Waalaikumsalam.. Selamat pagi...semangat senin kak..

Aamiiinnnnn kak

Bismillaah permisi kak titip jasa desain, hri ini moga2 bnyk yg order art,fee seikhlasnya tuk survive di masa sulit ini. Smg kita smw sehat & sukses selalu, amiin
DM/WA 0812 9042 1115

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Kayanya bener deh ini ilustrator nya ganti 😔 jadi kaku dan terlalu persegi...

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Lagi rame gak ya.. mumpung malming aku mau cari temen lagi...

Temenan yuk kak, aku ga gigit, cuma suka ceng-cengin dan liat orang pacaran 🥺🌹

Baca rentry ato intro dulu tp yah!! Aku juga maw helios yume moots baru//yy


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Draw your last pathetic card Yugi.... Nothing in that deck of your pathetic grandpa will help you

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Negi Belly Selfie :P
This is the human form of Negi... As you can see he loves showing off his belly (like always).
I looked at a couple of other art style (eyes, nose, mouth) and tried working it into my own.

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Simple art buat tugas sosiologi hwhwhwhw hai hai aku belum post art baru lagi... Mungkin nanti pas 17 an aja :")

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yesterday's prompt was the Cardigan Welsh Corgi... Put one in a cardigan, the obvious choice.

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1. 단gan론pa의 킨jo 츠루gi... 성격은 개똥같은데 잘생기고 커플링이 좋아서 좋아해요 잘생긴게 큰 듯...

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Chaekkuldi tinggal 1x siaran lagi...

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ookanehira... he never missed a chance to drop for me in regi...

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Nemu file hasil gambar di csp juga🥹🥹 syg csp nya udh gabisa dipake lagi... pdhl bagus bgt😭💔

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Yet the acrylic stand SSB Goku isn't even in his RF gi...

Bandai are just addicted to being lazy. The long neck SSB Goku is taken from another Kuji...

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fav song: omoi no kakera...
fav character: mugi...
fav story: whispers... element...
fav solo: bluebird humming... BUT SECRET GRAVITY SO CLOSE...
song that made me cry: n/a!

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Warning spoiler 0mn1sc1ent r3ad3r raw
Sender benci 4th wall di chapter ini 😒
Padahal tinggal dikiiit lagi.....

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Another mascot idea while watching debut! His name is Cordy, he is the result of an alchemic accident he loves to help Dez out by gobbling all the mushrooms and fungi.... And socks.

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ref for my new oc king the corgi...short king appreciation day

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