Milton Glaser (1929-2020) era en sí mismo un monumento al ingenio, el diseño y la ilustración. Hay muy poquitos en la profesión con esa capacidad de crear iconos reconocibles. Hizo dibujos, carteles, logos, periódicos, revistas... Lo que viene siendo un titán.

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Farewell designer Milton Glaser aged 91. Here are just a few of the things he left us

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RIP Milton Glaser (June 26, 1929 – June 26, 2020) 


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Muere el diseñador MILTON GLASER el día que cumplía los 91 años. Famoso por su <I ❤️ NY>, aquí le recordamos por sus carteles más elegantemente psicodélicos. Y por ser cofundador de "New York", modelo de mil revistas urbanas. Vemos a Milton dibujando en

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RIP, Milton Glaser.
Thank you for your transforming design, draftsmanship, intelligence and kindness.

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Se fue Milton Glaser, no lo conocen porque no canta banda o reguetón, pero seguro alguna vez en sus vidas usaron uno de sus diseños en una playera.

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Milton Glaser influyó (y sigue influyendo) incluso en el trabajo gráfico de gente que no sabe quién es. Esa fue y sigue siendo una de las mayores muestras de su nivelón. Murió ayer con 91 años.

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Milton Glaser, man. RIP.

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... except I just came across this Milton Glaser poster for Napoli, designed in 1984. Wow!

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RIP Milton Glaser, the man who designed the iconic I ❤️NY and much, much more. A design/illustration legend whose influence no doubt extends to current designers who don’t even know it.

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R.I.P. to brilliant designer Milton Glaser. Thank you for creating timeless art, including the DC Comics logo that spanned almost 3 decades (1976-2005). Iconic moments in modern history will forever be tied to your work. 🙏🏼🖤🦇

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Milton Glaser (1929-2020). Shakespeare is intertwined in my mind with the covers he did for the Signet paperback editions.

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Safe travels, Milton Glaser.

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to former artists , b. in 1929. Glaser helped bring NY back from the brink with his logo, further immortalized and adorned the subway station near his former school . More:

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91 years young today. Happy birthday to trailblazing design icon and legend 1st photo by

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Iconic American graphic designer Milton Glaser, born on this day in The Bronx, NY in 1929. His designs characterized and influenced much poster art in the late 60s and include the I ❤ NY logo, the psychedelic Bob Dylan poster, and logos for DC Comics and Brooklyn Brewery.

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Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover. 📚 🎨

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