O anime de "Gokushufudou" (The Way of the Househusband), estará disponível amanhã globalmente na Netflix.

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De las sinopsis que sin duda más me atrajeron

Un Yakuza se retira para ser amo de casa, pero con un pasado como el suyo será difícil

Este sin duda lo quiero ver <3

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Boku no Hero 5: 8/10
Isekai Maou: 6/10
86: 6/10
Fumetsu no Anata e: 9/10
Nagatoro: 9/10
Sayonara Watashi: 9/10
Osananajimi ga Zettai: 7/10
Sentouin Hakenshimasu: 7/10
Gokushufudou: 9/10

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• Lundi 5 Avril : Fruits Basket S2

• Mardi 6 Avril : Jouran The Princess of Snow and Blood

• Jeudi 8 Avril : Zombie Land Saga Revenge (S2)

• Jeudi 8 Avril : Gokushufudo

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Gokushufudou é um mangá muito divertido! A comédia segue as dificuldades de um membro aposentado da yakuza tentando se adaptar a sua nova rotina como marido de casa. Assim, o autor brinca bastante com quebra de expectativa e cria situações hilárias a partir de cenas mundanas.

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New illustration by Oono Kousuke, artist of Gokushufudou, drawing a collaboration together with the group "Uchikubi Gokumon Club." They will be doing the OP and ED for the anime!

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Chad Tatsu (Gokushufudou/The Way of the House Husband) https://t.co/0VaUenQksW

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majimako but it's a gokushufudou au where they're happy and married

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Voy a ignorar los populares xD creo que mis gustos son un poco variados :3

-The Ancient Magus Bride: Magia, fantasía y romance
-Gokushufudo: Yakuza amo de casa, slice of life
-Gintama: Shounen, acción, comedia, samurais + aliens y lecciones de vida
-Whisper me a love song: Yuri

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I'm still not a huge fan of Gokushufudou, but it's not bad either and a lot of ppl enjoy the series here, but I think I'll stick to GB & Yotsuba when it comes to fav SoL comedy manga. Let's see how the anime will be

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the only thing keeping me sane

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been reading up on some manga lately (人・㉨・)♡ starting off the year with some

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Gokushufudou chapter 63 is now out, Merry Christmas! https://t.co/Sqw5FcqU08

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Hibari and Kikujiro are so dramatic I-

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Durante la semana pasada, el manga Gokushufudou logró ser el más vendido de todo Japón, con 113,249 copias en circulación ¿Qué les parece? ¿Les gustaría ver el título por acá?

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The man of MY dreams, the perfect husband, the sexiest, the most fun, the most perfect of all men:

😍✨❤️IMORTAL TATSU!! ❤️✨😍

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Read Gokushufudou: The Way of the House Husband, thank.

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A Netflix está anunciando vários animes para o próximo ano. Se eles vão ser bons aí é outra historia.

Dessa lista dos que fiquei interessado foram o Gokushufudou, Yasuke e o Godzilla Singular Point.

Só espero que façam uma boa adaptação do Gokushufudou.

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Gokushufudou: Tatsu Imortal vai ganhar anime

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