L'harmonie des sphères
Costumes pour la représentation de la Pellegrina, comédie florentine en prose
-Bernardo Buontalenti

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More Kat designs! These ones were for this month.

Trying my best to keep them water themed because Mermay

The owners of these kats are HyruleZelda4, Lohegrina and MintyMilja (dA)!

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Quanti amarono i tuoi momenti di grazia malinconica, e la tua beltà, con falso o vero amore ,ma un uomo ha amato l'anima pellegrina che è in te.
J Reynolds
Dolce notte carissimo Pasquale e tutti, Grazie 💙

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NEKROVAULT's 'Totenzug: Festering Peregrination' isn't talked about enough and could very well be a death doom AOY contender. Behind the violet Misanthropic visuals is an outing that will batter your face in, one riff at a time.


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But aren’t all Unicorns white with pink and purple manes?! (Or is that just ‘My Little Pony’?)
Have a joyful with these hand-coloured animals from the Holy Land on a folio from Breydenbach’s ‘Peregrinatio in Terram Sanctam’ 1486.

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En contra de lo que comúnmente pensamos, no todos los gnomos llevan una vida sedentaria y acomodada. Algunos de ellos aprovechan la llegada de la primavera para iniciar su peregrinaje, recorriendo largas distancias y explorando lugares desconocidos por la mayoría de seres humanos

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The peregrinations of his youth may've encouraged Richard Burton–born 1821–to regard himself as an outsider for much of his life. Antagonised by his teachers & peers, during his 1st term at Oxford, he challenged another student to a duel after the latter mocked his 'tache.

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"كل الأشياء تبدو ميتةً بالنسبة لي، عندما لا أقرأ كتاباً".
- painting by peregrina cultural

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Je poursuis mes pérégrinations dans Donjon Mystère ! Mission sauvetage de Tengalice !

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Viernes de fusión!
Arrepentiros pecadores que empleais tejidos fotovoltaicos y motores eólicos.
Purgad vuestra herejía con la peregrinación a Fukushima, y rezad 3 Godzillas De La Caridad.
Recordad que se lo que pensáis y hacéis, lleváis troyanos de comunión!

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La muerte corona
cada noche en algún lugar,
donde la fría mar
espera la escolástica

Sus verdades,
sus versos,
sus acordes,
sus rezos,
sus falsedades.


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ワクワク、ドキドキする話をお届けすることをお約束致しますので既刊「bella peregrina.カワイイ天狼の育てかた。」ともどもご愛顧の程よろしくお願いいたします~m(__)m

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