Day of Flight

Haibane Renmei

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What scene made you realize you finally found your Top 1 series?

(Don't wanna spoil, but if ya have watched Haibane renmei you should know which scene this is from the image)

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fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, Planetes, xxxholic, Karekano, cowboy bebop, sakura card captor, michiko to hatchin, nana, samurai champloo, haibane renmei, monster, y podría seguir nombrando
buscar no es tan difícil uwu

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Tonight's album recommendations – Anime OSTs

Boogiepop Phantom (2000)
Alien Nine (2001)
Texhnolyze (2004)
Haibane Renmei (2003)

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First Anime: Pokémon.
Last Anime: Haibane Renmei.
Best Anime: HeartCatch Pretty Cure.
Worst Anime: Ninja Resurrection.

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Grupo 56

• Haibane Renmei
• Mirai nikki
• One Punch Man
• Hajime no Ippo

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Hace unos años estaba de moda hacer remakes de animes medio under o de culto de principios de los 2000's, me da terror pensar en lo que le pudieron haber hecho a Haibane, lo hubieran vuelto un moe con fan service y capítulos de playa o de cocina...

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Thinking about Haibane Renmei, it was such an interesting watch. Definitely a slow burn, the take it offers on its themes and the intriguing settings really left a strong impression on me as time went by. I guess it's one of these shows

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Y en extensión supongo que Haibane Renmei pfps también

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