# ps5 xbox

Trophies and chill stream today! Don’t want to start anything new with my HDMI splitter on the way. Maybe I’ll finally finish Erica, do some level grinding in FFX, and some Resident Evil 4 professional if we get bored

Vivi for format ♡

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もうなんだかんだで地デジ化された初期頃のタイプをまだ使ってる^^;サイズはそんなに大きくなくていいから手頃な値段で日本製でHDMI×2なら充分なんだけどね。現在検討中 画像はメモオフ

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【今日の人気記事】ASUS、世界初のHDMI 2.1対応32型4K液晶。PS5で120Hz/4K表示 https://t.co/nwWKseRDEg

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ASUS、世界初のHDMI 2.1対応32型4K液晶。PS5で120Hz/4K表示 https://t.co/nwWKsf9evO

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i think my ps3's hdmi port is fucked

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Trying to hook up my new tablet made my HDMI cable stop recognizing my monitor, and even if I get it working my computer doesn’t have a second HDMI port for the tablet

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Oh I forgot to post this but Open Lobby Smash Stream is moved to tomorrow 5PM CST due to the HDMI splitter thing...

Pain PeCow

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Let me tell you the story of Kazu trying to get a smash stream going...

1. Purchased an HDMI SWITCHER and boomer Kazu did not realize there was a difference...

2. Purchased an HDMI SPLITTER and turns out it in the safety information it says NOT A SPLITTER

Pain PeCow

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上司「HDMIどこやった?」俺「後輩が管理してます」後輩ライン「なくしました!遅刻します!」上司「今すぐ必要だから買ってこい」 https://t.co/JeX9uuhBJz

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iMacには映像出力がusb type-cのみ……。


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LG、新型ゲーム機とのHDMI2.1接続対応。「'19年モデルでも4K120pサポート」 https://t.co/9IZMxyxng7

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tester image for the new tablet!
The pen is really sensitive and will take some getting use to I'm sure that once I get an HDMI adapter for my computer I'll have an easier time of it. Otherwise it feels really good to use as a pen tablet.

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Se acuerdan que la tableta no cabe en mi escritorio? Pues no me alcanzan los puertos para conectar mi monitor al mismo tiempo que uso la tableta hahah Necesito un puerto usb y un adaptador usb a hdmi. Ah y un teclado para tener más a la mano los atajos 🤡🤡🤡

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Ive upgraded tablets! Im currently getting a hdmi port to connect this to my pc so its on both screens but oh my god drawing on this is so smooth?? the only downside is sai wasnt compatible so ive gone and got sai 2. most of the brushes i use work and im excited to use this!

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"Core 2 Trio"? XD

(resized OBS screenshot, signal scaled via OSSC, fed into cheap HDMI-USB grabber)

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