8 41

🔪: Fashion

All of this things are short cuts to beauty, but true beauty comes from one place, your mind~

So stop the low self Worth!!! And become the true you want to be~

And if you need help, Headmistress can give you a push~


7 24

I really like that Kory is Headmistress at Teen Titans Academy, I'm sure she would love all of the cheesy mugs from students at the end of the school year

49 138

🔪: Don't worry, i know who always lurks on my profiles

Who`s always to gets close to suddenly hold back and return to your boring mundane lives

Well today is your final day of that~

Now be a good little fan and repeat after me "I am and i obey" for Your Headmistress~


7 41

🔪: i get requested to change so many people...

And i mean, who doesn't wanna be like me?~

Someone so beautiful, so graceful, so power~

So don't hesitate anymore, just ask~

All you have to do is repeat after me: "I Wanna be a good clone if Headmistress"


6 28

Christine Kornacki

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🔪:Pleasure is something that must be embraced, let out, explored~

Dont shy from. Revel in it, desire it, let it be part part of your identity~

But you'll need a guide to show you the way. Luckily I'm is here to help~

And all you have to do is say: "I obey Headmistress"


8 36

Today, we'd like to introduce Therese Romana, headmistress of Ilvard Orphanage - the place Lumine grew up in.
She's rude and brutish, but her heart is in the right place.

Art by !

3 14

🔪: Desire, pleasure, want

Humans crave all this things yet it is so hard to achieve them~

So why not try to seek it?

Then simply submit to your HeadMistress, And she'll give you more then you could ever desirr~


5 20

🔪: Love is a curios thing

Its something we all feel yet don't understand

It's a need

A want

A desire

Your need

Your want

Your desire

And it's ok my dear

Come to headmistress

She'll help with your desires

All you have to say is "I love you mistress Junko ~"

10 31

Finished the portrait for Wibich Matii! She is the Archangel of Wisdom and sister of Garkes.
Alongside being an Archangel, she's also the founder and headmistress of the Haomayan Academy of Excellence, a renowned author and possibly the most intelligent person in Moraseen.

4 9

🔪: All your minds area just...amazing!

How easily you just give up...

How easily you just do what ever I wish...

How easily you just Sleep....

Sleep and obey my cuties

Sleep and obey

No need for thoughts

No need for will

Just let Headmistress Junko think for you~


15 52

❤️ Here's the weekly reminder thread!

Do follow your HeadMistress everywhere you go~


8 21

🔪: Headmistress has been busy thinking of Evangelion and while Asuka is best girl....Rei is too cute not to do amazing stuff with~

Now the question is, what should I do with you my new blue hair clone~

(possible event???????)

2 9

🔪: Humans strive for perfection,

For elegance

For pleasure

But why struggle for them?

Wouldn't it be so much easier if you where guide to it?

To achieve the peak of human desire without lifting a finger?

Headmistress can provide you with that~

Just say, "I submit"


9 40

The Headmistress

One of my favourite npc designs from my eberron campaign

0 4

🔪: you feel it don't you? The emptiness

The vagueness of not knowing what's going on

Until my words pop up once more in your screen

Your anxiety dropping as my beautiful words relaxed that over worked mind once more. So don't worry, HeadMistress is here darling~


9 26

🔪: ahhhhh is my cutey having problems thinking?

Can't focus because Headmistress is here?

So cute~

Then don't fight it my sugar cube, why not just sit down and stare at them, i know you'll love them~


19 56

51 - During certain scenes we can see the hats of the Old Nine Witches in the headmistress's office. 2 of them are references : the 3rd one is a reference to Marvel's Scarlet Witch mask, and the 6th one is a reference to Rita Repulsa's hat (from Power Rangers)

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