1x NFT: Tsubasa courtesy of the team <3

How to enter:
🔹Follow myself +
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🔹Tag up to 5 friends
🔹Comment anything you like about Tsubasa: art, charity, peaceful corner in web3 for everyone to heal, etc.


429 467

OKAY soooo.... I was supposed to post this yesterday...
But IDC, aaanyways I saw this picture that had made of C!Sam and MICHEAL, and I just had too draw it so, yeah!

11 58

Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.

-Eddard I, A Game Of Thrones

79 526

We successfully redrew some memes and that was the most comfy drawing stream I've had to date😊You guys always know how to make me feel better. I thought I could make a comfy space for the kittens to come heal, but in the end I was the one who received all the healing ; - ;💖 https://t.co/2zP5e4HUPp

19 181

Sinking in the strange voids of our consciousness.
Afraid of lowering the guard and lose the constant fights.
Sometimes letting go is the only way I find to get through this waters.
It’s time to heal, reflect, recharge and keep going.

21 53

Take as much time to recover and heal, we will be there always for you!

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Healing Waters
0.15 $ETH
Sinking in the strange voids of our consciousness.
Afraid of lowering the guard and lose the constant fights.
Sometimes letting go is the only way I find to get through this waters.
It’s time to heal, reflect, recharge and keep going.

6 9

The Garchomp needed lots of sitrus berry to heal, he hasn't realized he ate too many but he loves his new appearance.

2 10

My dearest , I love you so much, more than words could possibly describe. You have done, and continue to do, more to help me heal, move forward, and grow, than anyone ever has. (1/5)

4 12

Psyche = Salvia "to heal, to feel healthy, health, well-being, prosperity, salvation."

Dekis = Sage “wise, knowledgeable, learned; shrewd, skillful.”

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Night guards🥰
Although in the game they're all Micheal, I love to think they're different person💖draw this for fun.😇

11 91

And now for a wholesome message:

Take a second and realize that every little person cares for you, no matter who they are, in their own way.

Everything is going to be okay.

As Loris says in the last line of my poem novel: "Your heart will heal, time shall mend"

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him heal, him love, but he will also beat you to death with his cane ☺️ https://t.co/RYvtfSbGAZ

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Thanks Nini for the tag! I’ve never really thought about a color palette Pokémon team but here’s mine! Jigglypuff, Spheal, and Sandshrew!

Who’s on your team?

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Thigh-up commission for of his gal Racheal, in human form! Let's hope she's suiting down instead of suiting up, because zipping up all the way may not be possible, for obvious reasons :B
This is the first new piece of 2022, and it was a fun one! Enjoy!

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Solus takes a Scion-imposed (more like forced, really, LOL) rest period so he can actually heal, but he's promised a certain someone to take him certain places when he's well enough. Basically this art from last year, but post-Endwalker... including the ring on Solus's finger 👀 https://t.co/u6RuLGGLvp

11 78

Healing Waters

Sinking in the strange voids of our consciousness.
Afraid of lowering the guard and lose the constant fights.
Sometimes letting go is the only way I find to get through this waters.
It’s time to heal, reflect, recharge and keep going.


2 3

Happy holidays everyone!❤️
I hope you’re all doing better than me right now. :p

I fell while skiing and injured my knee pretty badly. I’m scheduled for knee surgery later this week or next week. It’ll take a while for it to heal, hopefully it’ll be easy and mostly pain free.

17 254

“Wounds may heal, though scars from battle are always there. Use the light with caution, or end up with scars like mine..” Wonderful Commission from of my Character in D2; Medkits!

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