hai, im korrekt

im a vagabond, searching for a purpose
i haven't debuted yet, but im definetely considering it

and when im streaming, even tho english isn't my native language, im grammatically and phonetically korrekt :)


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‼️🌳📸👉🐦Aste honetako Aste honetan haritza aurkitu beharko duzue. -ren hitzetan “…bakearen, askatasunaren zaindaria, ezagutzaren bidea eta jainkotasunarekiko eta naturako izakiekiko lotura...”. Halako altxorrari ezin diogu ihes egiten utzi ezta?

8 14

🪨 Orain dela asko ezagutzen ditugu menhirrak eta ez bakarrik Asterix eta Obelixen istorioengatik. honetan, Arabako menhirren zenbait kontzeptu eta ezaugarri batzuk landuko ditugu.

12 22

I have made like, a fuckton of Picrew profiles because I used to love that shit when I was a kid.
But I loved all the designs so much I started drawing them in my style and it's honetly such a good way to warm up. Have some!

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Aste honetako erronka: Iñaki Martiarena "Mattin"en KATALINGORRI! Zorroztu arkatzak! ✍️✍️✍️

18 34

Hugo Prattek bezala marraztu nahi nuen, eta Manu Larceneten moduko gidoiak idatzi. Baina...
... enfin, dena ezin da eduki bizitza honetan.
Gozatzen ari naiz erronkarekin.

4 12

i can’t believe i haven’t posted these

basically a robotic, ever-beaming version of pg called phone toy. i’m not kidding, his creator(s?) made him unable to stop smiling -- as a reminder of course :)

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Aste honetan k botatako erronkari jarraituz... Zaldieroaren Euskal Taliban Jatorra...

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Honetly, I'd say that the one thing that is unique about Match is that he doesn't have spines on his back, but only on his hair.
You can't see it in the picture, but It really is like that.

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"i...waste hours looking at cool frogs on the ECHOnet." 🔎🐸

my full piece for the featuring fl4k doing some research on a very special specimen ft. their pets relaxing on a free day back on sanctuary

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Hey! I'm Cy and I do mostly digital art. I really am just trash in headphones. 🎧💕
Tumblr: https://t.co/wqwMWzp8Hz
Ko-Fi: https://t.co/4OQDNcjZGH
Discord Contact: HeadphoneTrash#7060
Detailed commission info in replies!

8 20

Sinetsi ezinik! Sariak batzen jarraitzen du🏆🏆 dokumentalak; eta 15 dira dagoeneko😳. Bart, DOKUMENTAL ONENAREN SARIA jaso berri ditu Pragan eta Paron (Bhutan) . Mila esker bihotzez proiektu honetan sinistu duzuen guztioi! Gora gure eta

6 26

Olha o que teve hoje a collab com o Neko Neex ()! Foi muito sofrido (vocês vão descobrir O PQ KKK), mas foi muito bom ao mesmo tempo!!
Live completa: https://t.co/VfioFOtUKO

Temas aleatórios:
Lince Dono de Lanchonete, Tigre Frentista de Posto de gaso-

2 11

The Cult of New Masquerade
The Great Reset heist
Now profess salvation by the Jab
Little they know of Voodoo and Carnival
In the Creole language of the Caribbean Isles
Ex-slaves invoke the Jab who is the the devil
A phonetic from of the French 'Diable'
Art by Timofey Stepanov

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