im in a love-hate relationship with this thing pero eh idk i love ramuda too much to care

2 16

Soooo I recently got into hypnosis mic👀 Doppo is my favorite and I cant wait to hear the full version of his new solo song❤💙

2 19

Doppo Kannonzaka fanart
He doesn’t look so tired for once haha
Cant wait for 2nd DRB!

1 4


[ Indonesia Only ]
RTs are really appreciated ✨✨

form pemesanan ➡️

PO ditutup tanggal 15 Maret 2020

30 25

True story
Yuri slipped in a kiddie pool and I literally screamed "GREMLIN DOWN"
Don't worry they didn't get any booboo
Yes I laughed first before I helped em up HAHAHAHA

8 35