Sooo... I may or may not have designed a Pokémon by accident for the .

And by "accident" I mean that I can't for my life draw anything that doesn't look like a Pokémon... 👀

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So, I didn't have net for almost the whole day... I finally drew my Last Legacy MC, Jyne. 💜
Will try playing Felix's route again, cause I barely remember what happened (my goldfish brain)

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re-upload. i cropped it because i can't have twitter just zooming in on bare booty like that

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the only practice sketch of sage that survived. gonna work on something legit for him next

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Finally managed to (quite messily) finish up what was our favorite necromancer’s birthday drawing, but alas, I’m too late. Even so, thought I should share! His B-Day or not, there’ll never be a thing such as too much Felix appreciation🖤

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"Sir, I have a few objections to make regarding the most recent work ethics."

3 20

"I'm not leaving here without you, Felix"
A quick sketch from the update! NO ONE MAKE MAH BOI CRY 😭😩 but ofcourse I'll be showing all this love for Felix in a ponytail hnnng!

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“Did I say that right?”

A warm up doodle of Chava for a friend who adores him haha

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Tumblr Nicky Valentino gc made me do this, so Nicky in sweatpants and a hoodie cause I’m a simp 🥺👌🏼✨

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"... Would it make you feel better if I held your hand?"
Cant wait for more updates 😭

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Here i go again pt 2. I said I'd fall for only one but i just cant 😭 AND here's my OC Jyne and Felix 💜💕💜

1 23

Bantu dia untuk dapetin paket yang dia inginkan !
Beli semua kebutuhan keluarga Anda, karena kata Lazada,

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