輪到你了 now you では、あなた
When it comes to you, no one wants to run away

0 2

偷吃 窃盗 steal
Who stole Oni's Canelé?
(翻訳by google)

0 3

What my says to me August 4 - you are; loving, kind, playful, compassionate AND OTTERly adorable. Thank YOU for being the love.

1 4

Thank you for being YOU!
What my says to me August 4 - you are; loving, kind, playful, compassionate AND OTTERly adorable.

3 6

花朵 flowers 花
Bear's flowers are the source of strength
(翻訳by google)

0 3

裝睡 寝たふりをする pretend to sleep
A person who pretends to be asleep can't wake up.

0 3

This is Lucid [Dreams]

Their brothers with dream and nightmare! There name is Lucid- Like lucid dreams!

yes they can make illutions like in the 2nd image of the fish and butterflies!

[2nd image] originally made from

0 10

保齡球 ボウリング bowling(4/4)
你賭誰贏呢? 歐尼?沐里?
誰に賭けますか? オニ? ムリ?
Who do you bet on to win? Oni? Muli?

0 1

保齡球 ボウリング bowling(3/4)
你賭誰贏呢? 歐尼?沐里?
誰に賭けますか? オニ? ムリ?
Who do you bet on to win? Oni? Muli?

0 1

保齡球 ボウリング bowling(2/4)
你賭誰贏呢? 歐尼?沐里?
誰に賭けますか? オニ? ムリ?
Who do you bet on to win? Oni? Muli?

0 1

保齡球 ボウリング bowling(2/5)
你賭誰贏呢? 歐尼?沐里?
誰に賭けますか? オニ? ムリ?
Who do you bet on to win? Oni? Muli?

0 2

吵架 Fight 戦い(2/2)
Cats are arguing,Oni is joining in the fun.

0 2