Coral Fox!

I'm just sharing a drawing of a design I had in mind!
Just a lil coral fox! ^^

I hope you like him!

©Ask me before using my work!

2 15

Bonne Nuit!

I... really... need some sleep!🥱💤
Whoops sorry, I fall asleep on the spot!

I hope you like me, even if I fall from fatigue! Yawnnn~

©Ask me before using my work!

13 69

Angry bull tangled!

Gift (Raffle) for !

It may take a while to get rid of it! Need help?
I love bull! uwu

©Character belongs to !
©Ask me before using my work!

28 151

EmBEARrassin' moments!: page 33

"EmBEARrassing moments!", a Fortnite fan comic.
An insane production!

[Warning, this fan comic is suitable for an audience at least 18 years old!]

Please, ask me before using my work!

19 125

Snowy Polaw Beaw!

He's turned into a polar bear to spend the winter warm!
Mmmm~💚Softer than a marshmallow!

I must say that I am satisfied with the result!

Take care of yourself and drink hot chocolate!

I hope like me!

©Ask me before using my work!

10 54

Easter before Christmas!

I've always loved this movie but never thought of doodling this character like that until now!

I should practice the art more often!

I hope you like him!

Ask me before using my work!©

11 59

(Hot) Green daddy!

Who would want to lie down next to me on the grass?
Don't worry, I won't bite, or just a little!😋

It's the first time you've seen me naked! hehehe... 😅

I hope you love me!

Please, ask me before using my work!

24 111

Just a lil kiss, kitty!

YCH Comm' for the cutest,
I'm getting more intimate with all of ya!

You're my first kiss, kitty!
En espérant que tu en garde d'excellent souvenirs, hehe!

I hope ya like us!

Please, ask me before using my work!

6 48

The big question of mid-November!

What do you want to see or know about Insany (me)?😜
What do you hope to see/know?
Do you have any suggestion?

I am open to all ideas!

4 34

YCH - Wild Spooky ballad

for the best,
Between savagery and thrill, what more could you ask for?

Don't forget to respect others and stay safe!
Love ya!💚

I hope you like them!

Please, ask me before using my work!

15 96

EmBEARrassin' moments!: page 28

"EmBEARrassing moments!", a Fortnite fan comic.
An insane production!

[Warning, this fan comic is suitable for an audience at least 18 years old!]

Please, ask me before using my work!

19 101

Symbiote Time!

Anti-Venom is one of the most forgotten monsters in his family! It's a shame because I find him very interesting!😏

I love his white skin! 😋

I hope you like him!

Please, ask me before using my work!

38 137

Cop with so much l💚ve!

Who has ever dreamed of a big strong bull to stay with him?
Bogo will forever remain in my heart as the most beautiful buffalo in the world!

I hope you like him!

Please, ask me before using my work!

29 134

Event YCH Commission - Candy hunt
(This is the first time I'm starting this! be indulgent plz!)


SLOT A: Starting bid: 100$
SLOT B: Starting bid: 30$
(doesn't exceed 200$!!)

3 copies with two slots are available now!

3 33

Peckish? Insany is here!


Do you prefer hazelnut cappuccino or lemon pie? Maybe you prefer both?
Me in any case, that's what I prefer! Mmmm~😋

I hope you like me!

Please, ask me before using my work!

8 42

EmBEARrassin' moments!: page 23

"EmBEARrassing moments!", a Fortnite fan comic.
An insane production!

[Warning, this fan comic is suitable for an audience at least 18 years old!]

Please, ask me before using my work!

30 138

Werewoof night!🌕🎃

Halloween is by far the best night of my whole year!
On this occasion, your silly friend decides to turn into a werewolf!^'

I hope you're afraid of me!

Please, ask me before using my work!

12 48

EmBEARrassin' moments!: page 21

"EmBEARrassing moments!", a Fortnite fan comic.
An insane production!

[Warning, this fan comic is suitable for an audience at least 18 years old!]

Please, ask me before using my work!

22 115

Happy Bday kitty!~♪♫♪

Gift for the strongest, Dakota_Silver

Happy Bday buddy!~♪♫♪
I don't need to have my bony face to leave you a memory!😉

I hope you like us!

Please, ask me before using my work! (except this kitty)

3 11