Found the tag today so I decided to use today to learn watercolors. Don't know if this ship has a name. I just enforce it.

16 76

IchiRuki Month 2021 - Day 4: Jumping in puddles

31 116

The Death and the Strawberry: ReVise

My first

Summary: Each choice falls before them like a grain of sand. Ichigo and Rukia dare to shatter fate once more.

Or, a rewrite of the ending of Bleach. For Day 3 of Ichiruki Month 2021.

22 78

Finished this Lilith x Stella piece for ✨✨
Love these two ladies together omggg 👑👑

20 95

Day 1 - First Meeting/Initial Attraction

I call this rare pair QueenCrazyCatLady, Husk and Lilith.

34 240

It's not related to the prompt but here's the day 2, I guess

46 186

Día 2 feliz tarde nwn 🍂✨

31 84

I think I'm gonna try and participate in !
And I'm gonna draw my fav rarepair !

Day 1: First Meeting/Initial Attraction

137 880

This is my favorite cracked ship, and don't know why. They just look cute together.
- Initial Attraction ♥️🌈
Art by

25 147

День второй, с темой оборотничество.
Рыжая шапочка, да можно и красная, мне не жаль, и коварная волчица.
Роль бабушки - вакантна да и не сильно важна. Совместные прогулки по лесу в тысячу раз интереснее.

40 123