📢 Torna l'! Joves creadors i creadores ompliran d'art el del 27 de juny al 10 de juliol. Vols ser un/a d'ells/es?

🔴 Inscripcions fins al 15 de març a https://t.co/jWAmxLz4ys ‼️

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if juny and kim were Polandball

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If you are sad take this cute juny to you nwn

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"Hoi l am juny"



Like to draw alot

Likes violent games


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Juny: come on kim say hi

Kim: не

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meet samata, postal dude and juny daughter

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juny is nombinary now!

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juny but in real life

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why juny gets more cute where she dress like that

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juny's pet is a snake

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and again a new version of juny

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