The G7 birdcage is complete! We used PicCollage & Skitch to compare our plans to the final & Paper53 to plan our evaluation answers.

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I missed yesterday, but check out these awesome sketchbook drawings from grade 6!

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A4 oil pastels! Love the results, hate how quickly they are used up!

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Great lessons on how to create drawings out of textured materials.

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6th gr is SUPER excited about the upcoming break (in other words, they r off the chain!) Keeping them busy drawing Snowmen & reviewing value.

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Ss work. Watercolor background combined with iPad drawing.

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In Just 1hr join as hosts & shares some insights w/ the balancing act of Ss Choice & Planning Constraints!

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So proud of my Ss hard work. They used the to build these 3D models. They combined an art era and an object together

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TX Middle school art teacher. This week has got me tired.

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Two watercolor layers digitally put together. Future art lesson in the works.

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The Ss did a great job on these pop art drawings.

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