I already know Hiragana and katakana, I just can't do Kanji 😅😅

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playback controls and lots of features when watching movies and series on Netflix!i watch with Portuguese and Japanese (Hiragana,Katakana, Kanji and Romanji) to help improve my listening and writing skills!
I'm rewatching all Studio Ghibli films and 2013's The Wind Rises (Kaze

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ジュダ has the cutest name in katakana don’t @ me

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I just knew it would stack up like this! look good 😳

Suitable for oversize or wide neck T-shirts~ ✨
僕はそれがこのように積み重なることを知っていました! よく見える😳

(why so many Katakana 😂)

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( deltarune )


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PONZI SCHEME – Keep Falling On The Same Trap

Diantara banyak jenis penipuan, skema Ponzi bisa dikatakan yg paling sering menelan banyak korban.

Apa sebetulnya yang membuat skema Ponzi selalu menarik di mata sebagian orang? Let’s spill the tea.

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About "Katakana icon"./カタカナアイコンついて。(ア行)|Imoco_Hayashi(林いもこ) https://t.co/4HX44LfZzE

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god damn it someone told me i fucked up the katakana. please forgive me narui

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If the cover is this twins and the title is in Katakana (mostly), it's Kokonatsu song

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Clip art of wolf and meaning of wolf in Japanese katakana
Designed by Lisa popo
Product ID : 006-0005
Royalty Free

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The way they had Calli’s name in Kanji reminds of how in Umineko, the Ushiromiya family’s names are english names written in complicated kanji.
Example: Battler’s name is written as 戦人 instead of in katakana as バトラ.

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Salut ! 😀

Alors, qu’est ce que vous avez pensé de nos deux petites créatures, Obo et Masho ? 😍

Ils vous accompagneront sur la future appli oboemasho! 🤩

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Congratulations for 50k Subsnya Om! Senang mendengarnya. Tidak terasa dan akhirnya... Tdk banyak yg dpt saya katakan tapi, Selamat ya Om Bonni! Terima kasih banyak! I'm so happy for you today, you're so incredible!!! And this... This is all I can give you for now...

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Salut à tous ! 😀

Nous sommes heureux de vous dévoiler un de nos deux compagnons de route, « Masho » ! 😍

N’oubliez pas de nous suivre pour voir la suite🔥

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I actually did not think I would find any, but here we are.

Two angels - that's expected
The sniper actually spells her name the same way I do in katakana.
And...a spoiler? https://t.co/BD6a94HZjB

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Need help to find the kanji, or just kana (hiragana/katakana) of these anime only characters:
The Shikoku dogs; Ryou, Ryuu, Hanji, and Heita
The great dane from ep 25; Harunosuke

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There’s an old comic I made about this but basically akashi’s name is written in katakana bc when he was born, akashi’s dad decided not to attach meaning to his name by giving it a kanji. It’s his dad’s way of saying “I want my son to find his own meaning one day.”

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I love that World Flag is still running with the "we have no koalas here" jokes for Austria.
Japan and its katakana, man...

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Quick Draw is getting released tomorrow! Get ready for awesome hiragana, katakana, and kanji writing practice!

Make sure your renshuu app is updated when the app updates drop tomorrow so you can access it under Games :)

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Toka Takanashi fanart I did last January that took me 5 months to finish:).

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