Burn more and more🔥
Burn it out🔥🖤🤘🏻

103 286

fightーー!( ゚ロ゚)乂(゚ロ゚ ) Go for it!!!

54 93

If you must go
I wish you love
You'll never walk alone
Take care my love
Miss you love

Separate Ways /Journey

I watch this music video when my heart is tired. I can be fine for some reason😂🔥🤘🏻🖤

Happy Songkran🎉

22 26

Today is 2nd year anniversary...
for establishment of PPETaiwanFC✨
We apologize if we did something wrong, but will learn and become better. Thanks all who encourage and teach us😉We'll continue support PERTHPPE. Love forever na🖤

91 157


36 85


所有的相遇 都是恰逢其时 珍惜每一段不可复制的时光 只安于这份拥有 你在 我在 就是最好的……

7 10

Big bag style looks like a schoolboy
Love this style of our tiger🖤

80 120