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It’s official! Jon Kent, the new Superman, is coming out as bisexual in Superman: Son of Kal-El 5 from DC Comics. I’m sure that all of the people that aren’t even reading this book are going to handle this news in an appropriate manner. Right?
A @DCComics anunciou que Jon Kent, filho do Superman, é bissexual.
Em Superman: Son of Kal-El #5, será revelado que Jonathan Kent, filho de Clark Kent e Lois Lane, é bissexual.
Achei excelente!
A @IGN divulgou com exclusividade que o personagem Jon Kent, filho do Superman, é bissexual.
A revelação será na próxima edição de 'Superman: Son of Kal-El'.
jon kent, aka superboy, from the dc comics, is bisexual (canon)!
A DC Comics revelou que o novo Superman, Joe Kent, é bissexual e isso será mostrado em Superman: Son of Kal-El #5
Já to vendo a nerdaiada se rasgando.
#Superman #JoeKent #SupermanSonOfKalEl #IGN #TomTaylor #JayNakamura
(off) Após abordarem bissexualidade de Tim Drake, o terceiro Robin, DC Comics mata os nerdolas restantes e aborda bissexualidade de Jon Kent, filho do Superman, em nova HQ.
¡ES OFICIAL! El hijo de Superman, Jon Kent, sale del armario como bisexual! Estamos preparando la entrada en la web explicando mejor esto, pero no os podéis quedar sin saber esto ahora ya.
Tom Taylor y John Timms revelan que Jon Kent, hijo de Clark Kent, el nuevo Superman, es bisexual
Así lo contará el cómic Superman: Son of Kal-El Nº 5 en noviembre
Jon Kent, o filho do Superman, saiu do armário como um personagem bissexual!
Não é uma novidade da Marvel, mas é importante o suficiente para que a gente repercuta aqui.
A DC confirmou hoje que o novo e atual Superman, Jon Kent, filho do Superman clássico com a Lois Lane, é bissexual.
Superman’s son, Jon Kent, is coming out as bisexual.
(Source: https://t.co/iflG2YaTt0)
DC anuncia que Jon Kent, o novo Superman, é bissexual https://t.co/HJqJP0eWP5
Jon Kent, aka the new Superman, is coming out as bisexual in Superman: Son of Kal-El #5 from DC Comics. Covers from the issue and quotes from Tom Taylor, Jim Lee and John Timms:
Superman's son, Jonathan Kent, will come out as Bisexual.
(Source: https://t.co/rM67GfzEPL)
Time for a fun Q&A post. This time for Rada Kent, the saiyan Queen herself.
LEZING: Kunsthistorica Monica de Ruiter weet dat als je eenmaal de verhalen van schilderijen kent, je ze in een heel nieuw licht ziet. Op zaterdag 30 oktober geeft zij een lezing over De Ploeg en Alida Pott. Om 14.00 uur in het Groninger Museum. https://t.co/yqY8x50iZw
Atemoya Kent, a seemingly stoic scientist who works in the royal college. She's mainly known for her impressive ki-inhibiting devices. She can be fairly friendly, but she doesn't enjoy social situations, and remains stoic to avoid them.
gesture studies of my friend Kent, an actor and comedian
#photostudy #art
Kent @kent_morita
photos @wolfmarlohphoto