The Newly announced series will be on the original novel but will also receive a new Novelization. Sounds to be a prequel/origin story which is interesting because the new movie working title is "Orgins" & said to be a Kong film.

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Caption Contest Cartoon by Jon Adams
The CartoonStock Caption Contest

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OMG, yes! There are so many incredible details I've stumbled upon and so many of them inspire the Chronicles of Aipes. I've always understood this one as a nod to King Kong, with the maiden (originally a can) in the grip of the gentle monster.

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One if my favorite artists on Insta drew my and I genuinely couldn't be happier! Credit goes to kickingkiddo on Insta for this piece :D!

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Mau dijadiin selir/sekingkuhan/babu pun gue mau asal Lumine yang minta😔

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It’s Give him some rubs in his golden belly!!

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Happy King K Rool Day! Here is some new and some old art I have made for the king. Expect some more content soon. 1/4

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The Kremling King's day has finally arrived! I wanted to make an art piece of him to celebrate because this royal guy deserves the attention, love, and recognition.

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Its his day. King k Rool day

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Kong Vs Bambi PD: Se me Olvidó poner las Flechas xD

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This is how I kinda see Auri! Idk how truly accurate it is, and I couldn’t find what color her eyes are. But she’s petite and glowy! sorry if tagging you was inappropriate. And I’m sorry if I mistaken any of her details. I’m a big fan!✨☺️

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