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Orlando Vermont, goes by Landon. Adopted into the Vermont family for his Jovian ability to manipulate and concentrate photons. He's the bodyguard of the president and very proud of it. Also fiercely protective of his older brother Belias. #delalunecomic
Indi for short is Dakota's older brother and the only biological child of their parents. An internal Jovian born to Normy parents, the family was granted rights to raise another Jovian child. The only Jovians in the family, they're close. #delalunecomic
Louie York is another lead in Dela Lune. On the moon are three types of humans. Normys, Jovians (Dakota) and Saturnids (Louie). Jovians exhibit superhuman abilities, while Saturnids are born mentally challenged. #delalunecomic
@inkblackju If you want, here’s one of mine! Stella Lalune. https://t.co/ibjfk4CmNe
All my plant kids 💕💕💕💕
In order- Bynksi, Faramir, Lalune,Kaihiko, and Praxius
Y’all need to play Guild Wars 2, seriously
Oggi primo giorno di primavera nasce la rivista #SottoilTavolo, che raccoglie racconti fantasy, scifi, horror e weird.
Sono felice di fare parte della squadra insieme a Laura Lalune Décroche, Serena Ciriello, Filippo Rigli, Gabriele Quaresima e vi segna… https://t.co/V9iYJZVqxX
Au nom de la lune, je vais te punir. #Usagi #Tsukino #Sailor #Moon #UsagiTsukino #TsukinoUsagi #SailorMoon #AuNomDeLaLune #magicalgirl #animegirl #mangacitation #citationmanga #animecitation #citationanime
Chibis de Cire et Mune de #MuneLeGardienDeLaLune
@philippon_b @gregoriomichael #Glim #Mune https://t.co/D6Szx5x6fB
リトルプリンス日本上陸とても嬉しい…おめでとう~!仏アニメーションどんどん日本来てほしい!Muneくんひょっこりでているのも楽しみです🌟 #munelegardiendelalune #LePetitPrince
Backgrounds I made for #mune ending sequence with @Studiocachette #munelegardiendelalune MUNEのEDの背景
#Bichon adore #Mune !
Allez voir #MuneLeGardienDeLaLune au ciné pdt les vacances! https://t.co/vE2pdggrRQ
#MuneLeGardienDeLaLune comes out today in France ! Go go go ! The millenium spider is waiting you !
Joyeux Anniversaire à @philippon_b , l'un des papas de #Mune. ^^
MUNE AND POPCORN #Munelegardiendelalune #Mune ポップコーン乗せてヒョコッと顔を出すミュネくん。フォロワーさんの可愛いつぶやきおかりしました…!明日のTAAFでの上映、成功お祈りしてます!
Fanart de Cire, l'amie de #Mune le Gardien de la Lune (14/10/2015).
Spent time working on a tintin project today!!! #BlisteringBarnacles #Tintin #OnAMarchéSurLaLune #ExplorersOnTheMoon