Commission for . This is a design for a Lustrian Legionnaire based on some sketches provided to me. It's always a lot of fun working with a commissioner to see their vision brought to life.

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Mantova: details from Palazzo Ducale's antique marbles collection. Stunning Roman sarcophagi and the head of a melancholic legionnaire.

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French Cent-Garde cantinière based on a uniform costume, Austrian Napoleonic Jäger with Girardoni air rifle, French Foreign Legionnaire in Mexico, Papal zouave NCO.

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i was gonna only do outfits she had in losh/legionnaires but how can i just ignore her look from impulse 9

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The only team of fav heroes I never got to do... until now! Thanks to , my pinup of the Legionnaires featuring and is out today with DC’s FESTIVAL OF HEROES: THE ASIAN SUPERHERO CELEBRATION!!!

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Today's artist to be added to our Artist Alley - Amosrachman!

Amosrachman's image shows a legionnaire of Sherizane. Sherizane is an extradimensional entity who carves armor for her followers out of the bedrock of Tartarus.

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i haven't posted much about my mesmer legionnaire so here she is, her name's Caelia Spellspeaker and she's kind of a Motherfucker.

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I have a question regarding Set 5's Mordekaiser. He is a Dragonslayer and Legionnaire unit, yet you chose to give him his "Infernal" skin (first image) when he has a skin called "Dragon Knight" (second image). Wouldn't the second skin fit more considering his synergies?

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The back of the comic featured Bios for the Legionnaires. Here is Brainy's, Ultra Boy's, Superboy's and Supergirl's bios.

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Stargrave tosses the other legionnaires aside with the flick of his wrist and turns his focus on Brainy

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Legion of Super-Heroes 218 (4/20/1976) Tyroc is back, the legionnaires continue to come off racist by saying how not racist they are . . . oh and that pretty darn unethical clone thing comes back to haunt them... who could have seen that coming?🙋

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Superboy 188 (5/25/1972) Brainy & Lightning Lad travel to the past to warn former Legionnaire Superboy that Chameleon Boy had come to the 20th century & wasn't acting himself. Little did they know they were talking with Cham himself who had incapacitated Kal

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Superboy 194 (12/26/1972) the team, now a bit older looking and sporting Dave Cockrum costume designs (well all except Brainy who doesn't care much for fashion) are breifed by Brainy on his plan for a 2 Legionnaire mission to stop inteplanetary nuclear war.

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In Adventure Comics 357 (4/27/1967) Brainy is flabbergasted that his fellow Legionnaires believe they are being haunted by the ghost of Ferro Lad. He even reluctantly participates in a seance led by Princess Projectra.

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In Adventure Comics 310 (5/29/1963) Brainy once again works closely with Saturn Girl to defeat a descendant of Mr. Mxyzptlk. Brainy working with Imra as the 2nd smartest Legionnaire will continue as a theme for decades.

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when u hear a legionnaire cough

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A quick illustration of two popular legionnaires Superboy (Kal-el) and Valor (Mon-el)

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‼️Attention Legionnaire‼️ CHAPTER 3 of webcomic kicks off on 3/30 !!

I'm excited to start introducing the Legionary cast of the Gevurah universe to you readers, I love drawing them!!

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Deadhaus Sonata - Legionnaires by Vyacheslav Safronov

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Legionnaires are the backbone of the Thacean military. Professional soldiers, well trained and equipped, these fighting men are humanity's first line of defense in the war against Deadhaus.

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