Lil Stevie Comic 65 Inspired by real life, but the imagination will take it further. Stay Tooned! My heart is inspired by my art is inspired by and of and

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Lil Stevie Comic 63 just a casual conversation during a stroll in the woods. Happy Friday Eve!! Inspired by the sermons of from Art inspired by of and of

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Lil Stevie Comic 57 My wife asked for a Jeep for 17 years, and what do I do? It’s ok she is still with me and the Jeep is dry.The duck is a surprise! Inspired by

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Lil Stevie Comic 56 published live from Well Folks not even this cold kept me from keeping one comic a day pace. See you all tomorrow.

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Lil Stevie Comic 55 Sometimes inspiration just hits me in the middle of the night, or rather I hit it. Thanks to for great sermons

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52 “Sorry” I hear my wife say this to people A LOT when I am around. Why do we resist help from those who love us. I would not have to utter those three words I hate so much to wife , if I would just listen. Those three words “You were right”

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51 This is Unfortunately based on a TRUE Story. My wife was on the other end of the line laughing at my pain. To be honest I was laughing at myself. Men if you get stuck to your phone, be warned the ripping it off HURTS!

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50 I am excited that I have been able to share 50 of these with all of you. There is now a as well. If you are not sure if you have missed an episode check the website. Episode 50 builds on the first episode this is not how the story ends

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49 Came to me while working. Dealing with decisions that affect so many. This was my everyday as child and the biggest decisions I had to make. They were great days but I would not give up a single of God’s Blessings from today to “do it over”. Happy Today All

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46 Little late, the ending changed four times. I see so much of my faith in this. I work at it and work at it, but when I really reflect on who I am, I need to go back to the spiritual gym again and again. It is ok that we are a work in progress.

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45 This Episode is great. First This actually happened. Yes I ate the Garlic Blueberry Waffle and I was thankful that I had it. Second there is no greater fear in my family’s eyes then when I say I am going to cook. Pre-Eat before coming Inspired by

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44 When my wife proof read this her first thought “ I hope I never for their laughter.” Seems like yesterday the daddy raptor chased them and Mommy was base!

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43 Perspective This is a hard one. Not just for me to draw but for us to keep our lives in perspective. I am only going to point one finger and I will do it to the mirror. I need to work on mine, do you need to work on yours? Have a blessed Friday!

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41 Finally the point. It seems lately we have had a FLOOD of negativity in the world. With a Flood build an ARK (Acts of Random Kindness) For my fact checkers yes they found the money ,look back at episode 37 (it was unspoken you have to watch)

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40 I have been waiting to draw this one for SO long. Here it is.Hope everyone has a great night. If you would leave a like it helps others get a chance to enjoy. Inspired by the art of and

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38 The sermon today said “most people can not commit to do something for 38 days.” from Today is 38 days without a missing a day of Lil Stevie. I have to say this made me feel good. Thank you all for liking and sharing!

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37 I hope more than just me and my wife have suffered from this. Unfortunately more than once this has happened. I blame it on the aggravation of looking for parking. Inspired by the art of and

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