Back in drawing with lineart. Bit on experimental mode lately on styles and techniques

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Thank you lots for the tag, Archie :D

The year in which I fell in love w RGG and also w lineart. Am proud of what I've been doing and I feel I learnt lots this year!

Tagging: To those tagged: please do not feel obligated to do this!

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I did a little colouring collab with on one of Ryu's lineart. Hope you guys enjoy!

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An example of mistletoe illustration that I made yesterday to show you the three options: color, grayscale & sketch/lineart.

How luc ky is the person that Sorella is challenging. Angelo doesn't understand what's happening...or does he?

Don't use without permission/Don't repost

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Un-rusting myself with DTIYS !
Haven't finished it yet cause, as usual, I'm procrastinating the lineart... 🥺😭

Thank you Pom, I'm having a lot of fun with the hair swoosh ! 💖💖 (Original DTIYS link in the answers ! )

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Before and After! June 2019 vs December 2022

When I made the first piece,I had only just started to learn to render without lineart. It was rough,but I'm so happy with how I've grown and learned through the years. Here's to more years of progress~!

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aaa the days when i did lineart........

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No improvement lmao My art has become lazier and lazier as I don’t feel like doing lineart. Also this year classes took all my free time >:( My art process lately has been 1 sketch 2 clean up 3 color 💕👍😭😵‍💫

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From January to November. The achievement I'm the most proud of is figuring out how to render without lineart. I've been wanting to achieve that for years 🥺
In 2023 I'd like to work more on composition and lighting 💖

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Oláa, sou o Kylie, e desenho alguns personagens. nn costumo pintar meus desenhos.. normalmente são só rascunhos ou lineart.

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So I recently learned that if you modify your airbrush enough, you can use it to create some really interesting looking lineart. I've always stuggled with how my lineart takes so much work only for it to have a generated feeling. The airbrush makes things look much more organic.

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This is a random character I made in like 2016-17 when I used to draw on my phone. Kaji's hair was the only original thought I've ever had so I kept reusing it.
Look at the wonky lineart. The un bucket filled teeth, the blocky cat ears. I was such a good artist 😭/s

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I went messy with my lineart... and I liked it !

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una chica que pasé a digital,no sé si se note pero experimenté un poco con los ojos, las sombras y el LineArt.

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Aku suka banget karena aku kalo sketch bisa rapi (walau kadang sedikit messy), tapi setidaknya jadi gak perlu ngelineart. Suka coloring yang agak ke dark color. Aku cukup bangga sekarang bisa bedain gambar cowok dan cewek. Sama aku paling suka liat gambar ekspresi buatanku ✨

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I love thin lineart. Terus coloring aku cinta sekali coloringnya. Klo dah recover total bisa nyobain yg lain

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Im done~~~ aku nyoba artstyle yang gk pake yg gambar kedua aku kasih effect...

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wow the blend tool is so cool in csp! hmm still trying out a brush for lineart.

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Okay, my attempt to speed up the drawing process is trying to let go of my perfectionism while doing the lineart.

Trying to just "ink" very quickly, do the colors and later have a rough clean up process, but only add detail for faces and hands: I figured the rest is less focused

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Oh my god yes ah- best process is to sketch as loosely as you can, make a mess and get the movement you like before refining those details you want to keep with your lineart. The less precious you get with it the better your art will flow and your natural style will shine through

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