10/17 MARQUEE(マーキー)祭 最新情報!チケットは完売しましたがキャンセル分を弱冠数販売!9/30 10:00~ 夢アド、まねきケチャ、drop、虹コン、マジパン、アキシブ、ニジマス、レディキス、FLOWLIGHT 他 https://t.co/x97RP2TjwC

45 115

As always, just before the Oscars:
The Pink Smoke's year in review. Highlights, lowlights, awards & ignominies.

25 33

Slowly working on the colours on this Blue Morpho, base layers down, now for the high & lowlights

2 15

Long After the Boys of Summer Have Gone

57 53

Here's my this week...a cheeky Ragdoll Kitten with lowlights at least :^D

6 29