Congrats! I offer up one Magister Astran Dawnhaven (art by and )

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Omgosh! I offer up one Magister Astran Dawnhaven!

(Art by and )

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I offer up one Magister Astran Dawnhaven! Art by and

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I offer Magister Astran Dawnhaven

Art by and Bella_mae_art (insta)

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I offer up one Magister Dawnhaven, congrats on the following!

(Art by and )

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Magister Astran Dawnhaven! (Art by , and )

Hes just doing his best to protect the ones he loves! At any cost 🐱

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my friends and i are gonna do a power point party and i'm doing mind about magisterium because Of Course and anyway look at my perfect boy aaron stewart

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Congrats! Offering up Magister Astran Dawnhaven 🙀 (art by )

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Lord Astran Dawnhaven, Magister of the Spire, Captain of the Blazing Phoenix, and just trying his best to protect the ones he loves 🐱

(Art by and )

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Magister Enirous Sunsail, a scholar of demonology, and his ever 'loyal' Succubus, Disola.

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I offer up my Magister Astran Dawnhaven! :D congrats! (Art by )

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:tears: /pos
I should've tried to finish philza magisterium story before the 1year </3

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the dragons were no larger than the scrawny cats she had once seen skulking along the walls of magister illyrio’s estate in pentos... until they unfolded their wings. their span was three times their length, each wing a delicate fan, gorgeously coloured.

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"Oh, father, what a cute little beastie! Whatever is it called?"

--The daughter of a Telvanni Magister, about to ask her father if she can adopt one of his magical experiments as a pet, the first Vvardvark. He unsurprisingly caves to her request.

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Alternate appearances.

Quite chatty, likes to flirt.
White flowers narcotic scent.
In bad mood she wants to watch the world burn (and being a pyro makes it possible).
Dalaran Magister and Professional Researcher Alchemist.

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Solvo would get along swimmingly with my void elf, Ranathiel~ He's a brat magister who has a little too much fun with illusions.

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