Okay, ofc he might mean Visnu as well but Maruna going "Ah, you're close with Visnu" and Ananta silently smiling definitely tells me that it's someone else, possibly Kubera

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Yeah Maruna is gonna have to be really caring and patient towards her for a while… It's gonna be so tough because I don't think he was able to bring her to the future…

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That clumsy-looking guy, my boy, is one of the strongest beings who ever lived😁😁 I absolutely love characters who are strong beyond imagination but also are goofballs💜💜 I can't wait to see Maruna spending time with Ananta

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I like that both Ran and Maruna made a comment about these passages being similar to the water channels😁

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Maruna is about to get caught up in Indra's web but hopefully Ran and Chandra can help him🙏

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Oh shit! Why didn't I put two and two together? He caught Raltara and now he's gonna use her as bait to lure Maruna in

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Ran must've thought that it's Maruna but I don't think that's him

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Oh wait, was she this blonde woman from back there when Maruna first encountered the ancient humans? That's super cool ^^

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Oh, I'm so freaking happy that at this point, Brilith still remembered Maruna fondly and believed that other Suras might be like him. That's such an insane way of storytelling, currygom what are you doing😁😁

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This is really taking me back to the moment where Brilith straight up tried to kill Maruna even though Kaz was right freaking there, I doubt she recognized him tho but it would be crazy if she did

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Oh no, Brilith might've thought that it was Maruna

0 8

Holy crap, wait a fucking minute… based on how I remember Brilith looked like in her first life with Agni, I'm pretty sure this girl is Brilith but… omfg, the girl who was in love with Maruna was Brilith all this time??!!!!!!

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I understand his feelings but no, I firmly believe that Maruna did the right thing back then

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I'm just gonna say that I think it's really meaningful that we see this monologue after what that human said to Maruna in the last chapter about a life being like a universe not applying to humans only.

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I feel Maruna's pain there, he really does care about the ancient humans

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Aa, I hate this! She trusts him so freaking much… Maruna, please do not betray her trust

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Oh I didn't even think about what Maruna was eating all this time, good to know

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If there was a competition about who could be the most dense person ever, Maruna would win the prize every single time😅😅

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Aww, she said "Not yet", I can't😭 Maruna, you're on thin ice, mister

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