Is she a cat
Is she a fish?
She’s a kitty koi (closed species)!
Her name is Lorelei A. Meliora, she’s a bit on the quiet side but she does her best to make her points 👏🏻💦

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Happy Hour opening today 12-4pm.
Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, 2 Melior Place, London Bridge, SE1 3SZ

Paul Abbott, Cécile Emmanuelle Borra,
Robert Cervera, Richie Culver, Sally Kindberg,
Alana Lake, Alex Roberts, Remi Rough

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[OC] 2/3 Sketches from stream!
2 unnamed beans of mine, then Sorrel and Meliora

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I posted this on Instagram a couple of days ago, so now it’s time to post it on the twitter

Drawing of Jade Hassouné aka Meliorn 💙


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📢 We can fit 10 more bikes in this morning for a FREE safety check + basic repairs service! Drop your bike off by 11AM at London Bridge Hive (1 Melior Place) 🚲❤️ →

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Hey loves💙 Here I show you Meliora, the amazing OC that did for her challenge! I hope you like it 💙💙💙

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My last piece of 2018 is dedicated to Spiderman. I tried to improve my composition more than my style on this one
Dernier dessin de 2018 dédié a spiderman. J'ai essayé d'ameliorer ma composition plutot que le style

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eh la twitterie j'ai fait refait du dessin digital et ça va en s'ammeliorant c'est plutôt sympa

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pouf une version ameliorée de celui là

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ca bosse dur pour ameliorer la qualité des prochaines vidéos de wow ;)

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Desenhei minha melior amyga

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!!! Merci beaucoup pour ce tweet, c'est super sympa!! o/
Tu me connais dejà mais-
Je suis Minouze, 19ans, j'essaie de m'ameliorer de jours en jours snif 😭🙈🙈🙈

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Morrowind VS Skywind Dwemer ruins edition.
Landscaping by Meliorn

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j'essaie d'ameliorer mon systeme de couleur. Si vou avez des astuces je suis preneuse

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