This is Mortheras, the best Assassin in the world!
Old elf who still likes to adventure together with his wife ( OC) and her mythical wolf

First Artwork is done by
2 and 3 are done by
Thank you for those incredible Artworks! 💚💚

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i'll take any chance to show off my girls! first is my spriest Mortharys who's my main and my pride and joy, then my dh Azellra, my half belf/half black dragon warlock Eleyath who was my first character, and my hunter Anoriel who was my first main. the last three are all sisters!

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thank you for the giveaway!! here is my belf shadow priest Mortharys for your consideration (art by @/KittyCatKissu, @/lemonlylu, @/wildchargeart and @/Nekrokat)

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63) Morthos
A roguish Tiefling who likes to dual wield daggers!

He tries to always keep a cool demeanor, whether it be in combat or in conversations. He'll always be the sensible one to Aetherius chaos.

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congrats on 2k and thank you for the giveaway!! here's Morth, and i'll tag

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i have a priest and a knight! my belf shadow priestess Mortharys, which i've probably shown you already and then my dark knight Eleqara Dazkar!! i might like purple a bit....

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A morth for sale. AB is $50. Sad to see this baby go tbh, but I know I don't have much use for them. PayPal offers only please. <3

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thank you both for this wonderful opportunity!! here's Mortharys, my belf shadow priest. tagging !! art by @/KittyCatKissu, @/wildchargeart, @/lemonlylu, and @/Nekrokat

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thank you both for this amazing giveaway! such a beautiful artstyle! here's my belf shadow priest Mortharys for your consideration. tagging

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thank you for the chance!!

here's Mortharys, my blood elf shadow priest who is so in tune with the void that crystallized void follows in her wake. she loves horses and unicorns, and she has some talent with the occult. she will teach anyone who wants to learn about shadow magic

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my beloved blood elf shadow priest Mortharys Gloomwhisper. she's my everything. (art by @/KittyCatKissu, @/lemonlylu, @/wildchargeart, and @/Nekrokat)

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thank you for the giveaway!!! your art style is so lovely 😍 i would love to see my belf shadow priest Mortharys in your style!!

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thank you for the amazing giveaway!! here's my belf shadow priest Mortharys Gloomwhisper who i would love to see in ammatice's incredible style! tagging

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i have A LOT of elfs but here are my main ladies, first my main, my pride and joy, the belf shadow priest Mortharys Gloomwhisper (art by @/KittyCatKissu, @/lemonlylu, @/Nekrokat, and @/PalitaniaArt)

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New oc just dropped 😱 Ferdinand Morthos, a tiefling rogue for a murder mystery oneshot! 😈

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Aprofitem aquesta notícia per recomanar-vos Morth, el tercer llibre de Terry Prachett en català publicat per , i reclamar que es tradueixin més llibres de gènere fantàstic en la nostra llengua, com els de Remembrance of Earth's Past o els de The Stormlight Archive.

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Bon dia matiners: avui parlem de Morth, de Terry Pratchett

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Thergamorth looks at the consequences of the war...
Commission for Clostridium (fa)

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is a parody right?
calls his enemy 'Richard', and is enemies with

Namor always unapologetically flirts with who is married to Reed, creating a 🔺️ like with Beth & Jerry😅

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