Avez vous deja vu...un rongeur avec des cornes? Ceratogaulus hatcheri est la seule espèce connue de rongeur à corne. De la taille d'une marmotte, il vivait en Am. du Nord et a disparu il y a à peu près 5 millions d'années. On ne sait pas vraiment à quoi lui servaient ses cornes.

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LIVE!!! Playing Saiko no Sutoka <3 ALSO I HAVE NEW EMOTTESSSSSS ! here's a sneak peek but you gotta check out stream to see them all !!

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Decided to do a Warmup sketch today and practise facial expressions!
Besides, it's been a while since I posted art of Motte here ✨

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Wir hatten heute eine Fotosession, bei der ich schicke Klamotten tragen sollte. Was meint ihr? Wie sehe ich aus? 📷

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i had far too much fun with this lol
my babes & a mothership motte smth smth

[link: https://t.co/AI1ffQOHoT]

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Das einzige Bild von meinen Thighs existiert in Elsters Klamotten xD

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I don't have the stamina or direction to do the 100 days project like I've seen some friends doing, but I might draw some daily lighthouses for a while.

2/14/22 - Isle La Motte, VT 💖

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More caimotter research.

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Καληνύχτα-Victor-Louis Mottez (13 February 1809 – 7 June 1897) was a French painter

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The Prospectors of mottenberg, Monarch n Oswald

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Asai Ratta ilustra la portada de la Renai Chocolat vol.53 con su nueva serie 'Medeta Gari Pilot no Dekiai Flight ~ore Kara ori Rareru to Omotteru?'. ¿Con qué versión os quedáis? A nosotras nos gusta más la portadilla interior.

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Hello Benny! Maybe you might remember me, but maybe you might remember my baby moth, Motte?

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Felice sera a tutti 🎀
🎨Bernard Lamotte.

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Meet my ObeSora lovechild Lotte

Oberon mostly calls her Motte
Motte is just a small joke, because it’s German for moth
(moth = Blanca)

Never said this would be a funny joke

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Nuevas licencias de
"Watashi no Cosmic Monster" ("Mi monstruo cósmico") de motteke
Comedia, 2 volúmenes.
Tsubaki se lleva a casa a una extraña criatura peluda que ¡se transforma en un chico y dice ser un alien!

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le cheval de troie d'Henri-Paul Motte, 1874

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🥞 Our marmots wish you a good Sunday!

🥐 Nos marmottes vous souhaitent un bon dimanche !

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🔜🇪🇸¡SEGUIMOS! La segunda licencia de de cara a 2022 es 'Watashi no Cosmic Monster' de motteke (), un cuquísimo shōjo de 2 tomos.

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