The Knight of Grass is a warrior of the Enchanted Realms. She is renowned for their ability to preserve all things natural.

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Forgiven Hubris~ He's not particularly creepy, more beastly, but whether he walks on two or four legs it looks unnatural. Like the virtues he retains a vague sense of purpose, and would actually be violently protective of the scions. Everyone else he will eat :)

1 7

It's got a *lot* more than that haha, you can not only move it around as needed, you can increase it's size, level of effect, and even swap to a version that matches with a person shadow instead of a blob. Helps make screenshots look *much* more natural.

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and has a lot of pictures you can use to look at human bodies doing things in an artistical sense that are natural.

Human bodies are soft lines and curves.

So for your style, you can keep the muscles, but you want to simple soften, or make the form smaller.

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Drew sketches of Eyezor the anacondrai while rewatching Supernatural. Dissatisfied with the result, but these are just sketches. I would like to draw something creepy in this guise, because I see false anacondrai as mutants. Without any of those snake heads!

4 24

Day 8, this brush has to be in my life.

I don't know how to put it but this brush and the way I draw with it just feels so natural.

No idea how I can transition this to lineart or anything solid tho :'(

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Cynthia Hunter & “Zed” (real name unknown)

A girl with the supernatural power to communicate with the dead (and occasionally fight them) and a half-a-zombie that acts as her guide to the supernatural. 👻 🧟‍♂️

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La gran habilitat per al dibuix és la seva eina essencial d'observació de la fauna i l'entorn natural. Omple llibretes amb els seus detallats i preciosos dibuixos. Moltes de les seves fotos i dibuixos les podeu veure digitalitzades aquí:

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Su gran habilidad para el dibujo es su herramienta esencial de observación de la fauna y el entorno natural. Llena libretas con sus detallados y preciosos dibujos. Muchas de sus fotos y dibujos las podéis ver digitalizadas aquí:

2 39

Body's giving up.
Sleeping for 12 hours and wake up each hour isn't natural.

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Scooby-Doo theory/headcanon - The Universe reset in Mystery Incorporated rippled into the Scooby-Doo Multiverse which is why Zombie Island and 13th Ghost was retconned into not being supernatural.

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Heh, an adorable little microbe like you should find living on me natural.

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Por qué a la hora de la verdad, está claro que NO existe ni la magia, ni lo sobrenatural. Solo un descerebrado que está disfrazado y que se merece una lección.

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Elegance🕊🌿 One of my new work. Clean and natural. What do you think? Can it be drop or not?

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Mutant Chicken Jockey, patrolling the radiation saturated wastes in search of riches: both manmade and natural. Following the deep clawprints of his mount are the rest of his tribe, ready to recolonise whatever land their scout discovers.

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who is she

got a new-to-me graphics tablet, one of the screeny drawy ones, it feels so natural.

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All of them, every interactions, every little things that makes their relation so natural. It's too hard to choose between all of them

I ended making pictures thread 😂

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Ethereal, chillaxing on a hammock a’la natural.
Artist Henri Pierre Piccou

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I told you that werewolf would look beautiful in color. I might add some detail to the moon but the werewolf was the bulk of my work tonight. Conrad's shirt got the colorless blender treatment so I could make the cloth look more natural. And Green is just a funny little man.

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