"The first sentence of the Chivalric Code [Knight's Code of Honour] starts off like this - Knights defend humanity"

- Full Moon Ryu

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The primordial beings of Lucid Adventure

The Absolute God (Han Gun-Jae)
The Four Gods
The Two Primordial Dragons

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We are happy to announce that we are relaunching GreenHouse Cafe with new, upgraded artwork, and etc.
Times will be available as another tweet.

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The form NoName took in S2E114 is the same form Zero took in S1E170 after Zero absorbed the power of the other world and 2 Gods. In Hero Cantare, Zero in this form is called 'God-Killer Zero'

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Based on the images of him writing the 'story' of Lucid Adventure in S1E151 and S2E108, it seems that Han Gun-Jae is left-handed

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To stop Zero's curse from destroying his core and Lucid Adventure, Han Gun-Jae (Absolute God) cut off his own hand in S1E108 flashback. It was in Zero's possession in S1E90

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The Ancient Dragon seen in S2E111 is "Redinaia". 1st seen in S1E99. Defeated NoName in S1E102. Carried NoName off in S2E113. Revealed in S1E110 Heart Heater is her "younger brother".

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What most suspected since No Name's intro in S1E57 was finally confirmed in S2E113. No Name is a doll that was created by Zero via Nightmare using Armes' soul + ego. She IS Armes

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In S1E130, Heart Heater said his "Magic Sword of the Knights" could cut dragons. He proved it in S2E111 by piercing Vinjure, the Dragon of Evil

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In S2E110, LINE mistranslated the skill Rob(강탈) as Steal(훔치기). Rob was first mentioned by HCLW in S1E14 as a high-level thief skill. He used it to steal Stone's sword in S2E110

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Part 2 was meant to be about Dark's growth, but one man stole the show. Without a doubt, 'The Best Swordsman' lived up to both his Admiral Yi Sun-Shin moniker and his avatar's name

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