Hello bad take from a neurotypical person lol
fellow mcyt
consider following me for art that I post sometimes

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I've had neurotypicals come after me for using the term "autistic" before. I'm absolutely shocked by the nerve of these people who feel that they have the right to tell the autistic community how we can and cannot label ourselves.

Check out my Patreon: https://t.co/sm9oDMff6d

38 116

thoughts about growing up aneurotypical, or something

10 46

Neither of them are neurotypical

3 86

Alright, time blindness is resonating with enough of you that I'll shamelessly plug my upcoming comic featuring not a single cishet able-bodied neurotypical White male (in the main cast - they're bound to show up among side- and non-characters). Follow for updates:

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Even if I wasn’t projecting I dare you to look me in the eyes and say this man is neurotypical. I will simply bite you. I can’t accept that

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I'm either always drawing or go several months without drawing there's no inbetween. Also do you have 96 different artstyles or are you neurotypical?

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Ohhh hey! I'm

My biggest advice for others is to be aware much of the art advice in tutorials and such comes from a neurotypical mindset so don't feel bad if you can't action it!

Also, be kind to yourselves above all. x3

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What neurotypicals think hyperfixation is: Quirky cute obsession :)
Neurodivergent ppl hyperfixating:

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my mental image of neurotypicals rn :

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you. you are not neurotypical.

2 12

14. These neurotypicals aren't using nearly enough words.

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"It doesn't matter if S!a cast a neurotypical actress in a movie about an autistic woman! Who cares what the real autistic community thinks? Screw authenticity! Just shut up & let our beloved queen fulfill her artistic vision so she can gain profit & clout! 🤡"

-- S!a stans 😒

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Because NONE of them come off as cis, straight or neurotypical.
(Would've included Rip Van Winkle from HELLSING, but real-life Nazis ruined it for me.)

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me VS me if i was the neurotypical cishet centrist my parents probably wanted me to be
ta konserwatywka ma taki bitch face jakby zaraz miala powiedzieć coś glupiego o prawach czlowieka https://t.co/AHBWqxVvuz

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and by "a school of snobby neurotypicals" i really just mean "these fuckers"

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no one is this game is neurotypical

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I was curious to see how accurate it is, since I am officially diagnosed as autistic, and well
I'd say it's pretty spot on

(Neurotypical relationship should even be lower because I misinterpreted a question, neurotypical communication really isn't my thing)

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Send some love to the neurotypical people in your life. This may all be new to them ❤️

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preteen me vs current me

can u believe i used to think i was cishet n neurotypical https://t.co/RiiSFqkK60

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