and the
I gave myself a prompt to make some illustrations bc idk what to draw atm.

the aliens probably have a vaccine, but they need us to actually live in a society, first.

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Ni antara cadangan 'must-bring items' dari saya. Ada apa2 lagi yang tertinggal tak eh?

Apa pun, jangan lupa niat jaga kesihatan & precaution semua ni lillahi Taala. InsyaAllah dilindungi. Dan bonus, tak ada amal perbuatan yang tersia2 kan. 😊

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As the semester is over, I can finally continue writting my comic. Hope you enjoy <3

Eleanor suffering a little with this new normal thing....

How are you coping with it?

Webcomic in order:

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Since Spotty has a little spotlight on her right now I wanna highlight some amazing art I've gotten that involves her 🥰 💗🎀

Artists: @/timesnewnorman, @/biskyfresh, @/hkasof, and @/vintagecoyote 💞

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some of my attacks from the past two weeks! I’m

find me here:
I’ll try to attack back anyone who attacks me - even friendly fire!

these characters belong to timesnewnorman, FabuPonah, pastadog_, and GhoulDrops 💖

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Baru selesai ngerjain commiss moselo🥺 Bukan palet aku banget, tapi ternyata gemas juga ya soft pastel color gini huehue

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Key people working out plans with
A lot needs to be taken care, and am sure you all are doing a great job!!
Tell me if i can deliver it directly to Mr. Kalyan!! :)

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The new is out now! Front cover by and full, as always, with lots of amazing stuff. Also lots of useful stuff: what's on and what's off! Oh, and this 👍

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Social Distancing...
That moment when you sort of forget social distancing then remember it at the last minute and need to tell an old friend to step back.

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