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ところで皆さんはライバーがかっこいい!って時ふと普段のことを思い返して宇宙猫になることはありますか 自分はあります

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Thoughts on Itaboraí Basin fauna. Diogenornis, Prolipterna, and Eutreptodactylus

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Pleistocene/Holocene: Dinornis robustus (maximus)

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Garganornis - giant flightless fighting honker, as if regular geese are scary enough

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North Island Giant Moa

Conservation Status: Extinct
Scientific Name: Dinornis novaezealandiae
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Diet: Herbivore
Romanised Name: Jaiantomoa
Japanese Name: ジャイアントモア
Distribution: New Zealand

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While I work on my piece for here's a few past drawings of island fauna, extinct and extant. From top left, Hatzegopteryx, Magyarosaurus, Compsognathus, Eryon, Pterodactylus, Dinornis (giant moa) and Strigops (kakapo)

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Thanks to human activities we lost roughly 10% of our bird diversity, most of which was endemic to islands. That's why many of these posts are filled with avifauna
In this case the club winged Xenicibis, Aptornis, Pachyornis and Dinornis.

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Some moa (Dinornis) from 2018 for Note the extreme sexual dimorphism of the two frontmost birds: that's real, not speculative. And no, I don't know what's happening to the right of this image. Possibly someone just opened a really big bag of birdseed.

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Also known as the giant moa, probably the tallest bird to ever live, its large legs could deliver powerful kicks, females where 3 times larger than males

ALT: its name means "knob wing" after the small wings it would have had, its now considered a synonym of dinornis

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Portraits of extinct giant Cenozoic birds: Andalgalornis steulleti, Dinornis robustus, Aepyornis maximus and Pelagornis sandersi. For today’s I hope to develop these illustrations more at some point.

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Portraits of long gone big birbs. Aepyornis maximus (Giant Elephant Bird) left; Dinornis robustus (South Island Giant Moa) right.

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A bunch of extinct 🐧 from Seymour Island, Anthropornis grandis and Delphinornis gracilis.

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of three South Island giant moa (Dinornis robustus) for from 2018.

I don't know what they're looking at either. Possibly food, possibly danger, possibly someone has a nice hat.

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Results from the silly (2/3)
Dinornis, Platybelodon, Hydrodamalis and Sillosuchus...

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Moa (Dinornis) commission for !! Thank you once again for commissioning me-- Especially teaching me about this fantastic extinct bird species! Check out the size difference in this ship!

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