Map of antique and (Iberia). This map shows the division of the Iberian Peninsula during Roman times. All place names are in Latin.
Author: Samuel Faber (1657-1716)
Publisher: Weigel (1654-1725)
Published: Nuremberg, 1720

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Автор - Max Schiller /Concept Artist and Illustrator/Nuremberg, Germany
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🦌 Fauna Germanica, Diptera: .
Nuremberg?: s.n., between 1793 and 1805?.

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"Aranzo oblongo"
"Palazzo del N. H. Conte Pio sop. Padoua"
Today this palazzo is titled "Villa Molin". It is in Mandria, Ponte della Cagna.
Nuremberg Hesperides, 1708-1714 by Johann Volckamer (Volkamer)

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"Aranzo oblongo"
"Palazzo del N. H. Conte Pio sop. Padoua"
Today this palazzo is titled "Villa Molin". It is in Mandria, Ponte della Cagna.
Nuremberg Hesperides, 1708-1714 by Johann Volckamer (Volkamer)

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🦉 Recueil de divers oiseaux étrangers et peu communs
A Nuremberg: Chez les Héritiers de Seligmann, 1768-1776.

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Funny Guy. Das oder der (#Sloth)
Copper etching by Joh. Sebastz. Leitner after G. E. Edwards, for Seligmann, Johann Michael (engraver and art dealer in Nuremberg 1720-1762). Published ca 1750.

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The Nativity, from The Small Passion, Albrecht Dürer (German, Nuremberg 1471–1528 Nuremberg) ca. 1510, Woodcut

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🌄 Recueil de divers oiseaux étrangers et peu communs
A Nuremberg: Chez les Héritiers de Seligmann, 1768-1776.

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20th Day of Advent. Midwinter Eve. Old Fox was lighting the candles on the Christmas tree. They had already decorated it with sugar plums & angel hair of spun glass, heavy gilt lametta from Nuremberg & foil angels from Dresden & dozens of red & silver velvet ribbons from Paris.

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coins on stunning maps of
Author: Samuel Faber (1657-1716)
Publisher: Christoph Weigel (1654-1725)
Published: Nuremberg, ca. 1720

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🌄 Recueil de divers oiseaux étrangers et peu communs
A Nuremberg: Chez les Héritiers de Seligmann, 1768-1776.

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"Tabula Geographica qua Pars Russiae Magnae Pontus Euxinus seu Mare Nigrum et Tartaria Minor cum finitimis Bulgariae, Romaniae, et Natoliae Provinciis exhibetur"
Publisher: Johann Baptist Homann (1664-1724)
Nuremberg, 1723

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Автор - Dominik Mayer / Concept Artist & Illustrator / Nuremberg, Germany
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The great steel birds invasion
Like the locusts of the scriptures
Will wreak havoc to leave barren lands
With the seven plagues hanging under their wing
No airmen to fly the deadly beasts
Just polyester AI bots
Who will be sitting in rows
On the next Nuremberg benches

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🐦 Recueil de divers oiseaux étrangers et peu communs
A Nuremberg: Chez les Héritiers de Seligmann, 1768-1776.

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The New Year Sting
Tier 2021
Get the shot
Or get shot
Army in the streets
All for your own good
They have the budget
And orders from above
Remember Nuremberg
Art by Chenthooran Nambiarooran

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An unexplained sleep disorder
Often invoked as an excuse for crimes
Surprised that we don't see more cases
Especially with politicians nowadays
We'll wait for the next Nuremberg...
Art by Nadja Jovanovic

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An early-modern ode to was a 17th -century Nuremberg silk merchant with passion for In 1708, he commissioned 256 plates of 170 varieties of the fruit, collected in a new by Prof

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