OMAさんから神河のプリントアート(GREASEFANG, OKIBA BOSS)が届く

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仲介販売頂いた東京MTGさん( )及びサイン下さったMiranda Meeksさんありがとうございます…!!!

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Awesome stream Kibaba, I laughed a lot. It's so cool to see all the lore you came up with. But you basically spoiled the future. 😱 But it's a good kind of spoiler. Glad to hear you gonna release a full album, and meet everyone in Japan. Thanks for the cookies Oma, love you🧡

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Rowan of the Bellowdark.

Hexblood (Summer Eladrin) Archfey warlock of a coven of hags who raised him: Gran, Oma, and Nonna. They want him to grow up big and strong so he can be their coven's missing season.

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Em uma votação para quem vai ser presidente do Brasil, qual deles ganharia? Adolf Hitler , Luna , Kokichi Oma ou Core ?

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2022.3.29💮Happy birthday to me, Oma Mitsuki! ^ω^💜💗
A thousand thanks to all of you!
To my friends, my families, my teachers, everyone, and even Kokichi Oma, thank u very much for liking and supporting me for so long!

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Kleinzoon heeft de rollen verdeeld: hij is ridder, opa is een beveiliger en oma is de koningin.

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🌊☀Sunshine, beaches, water fights, Pokemon and you.
「Please note that it contains a love imagination on Kokichi Oma from danganronpa」

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Memos of campus life with Kokichi ^_^💜💗 In the classroom, In frontof Tokyo Tower, and at campus festival. 🎉
「Please note that it contains a love imagination on Kokichi Oma in Danganronpa」

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LRT: Ensimmäistä kertaa oma kuvitus laajalevikkisen aikakauslehden kannessa. Herättää suurta riemua. Työ oli kauhean mukavaa, näitä tekisi mielellään lisääkin. Myöskin, onnea 30v! Ollaan samanikäisiä. Tässä vielä tekstittömänä originaaleja tutkittavaksi.

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Oma Kokichi based on one of his earlier designs ^^

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Pillow Fight! pt 2 with Oma and Harukawa ^^

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Here he is Kokichi Oma I still hate him

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Kokichi Oma infelizmente faleceu

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Oma and Dice 🎲👑🎲

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