Mary Swanzy (1882-1978) Pattern of Rooftops, Czechoslovakia (1910). In Swanzy's early art she was known for her light, and optimism. She was a traveller of some note, spending time in places as diverse as Yugoslavia, Samoa and Honolulu. Born In Dublin. Died in London.

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May the new year be filled with hope and optimism. Welcome 2018

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One of the best eeveelutions. He /sparks/ with optimism.

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. is a wonderful unicorn. Earth is lucky to have his incredible weirdness and endless optimism. for giving us hope

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The worst of times. Or the best of times? Oliver Burkeman on the New Optimism. Illustration by for Guardian long read today

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Pánchigo Kuropanchi - Bleach

We start new adventures, somewhat weak but with optimism. A little parody to the anime Bleach, asháa//

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is a colour of happiness, laughter & optimism. It can wake up your mind, inspire mental agility and clarity

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Keyword of the day: Optimism.
Canvas: Wissam Shaabi, Optimism, Mixed media on canvas, 100*85 cm

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Today's warm up is entitled: Optimism.

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