ive made a new meme; "redraw my old art". i always wanna do it but i dont want to come off as copying or correcting (as it were)

's origional lola vs my redraw. her's is way better ;;;; but i am happy with how the watercolours turned out. i like the blotchy look

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I have an origional story I have been working on with fairies and different race of fairy types. So I made an origional character as Lady Bat, who is a fairy that is part Bat. So I why my chibi of looks like a bat! ^^
I'm sorry i almost forgot your tattoo ha ha

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i was origionaly reseting for elekid but then i thought of the dynamic between heracross' natural strenghts and little tyrogue's struggle to become strong and i got attatched... 😐

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Day one of my inktober... I'm not participating anymore this year oh well..

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i hop you guys chec out the my latest chapter in my undertale angry birds crosover au
its basicly way bettter thans the origional work

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