Here it izzzzz! Full Catalog!
Semuanya available buat PO sampai 12 Feb!
buat yang OTS langsung ke C-06a ya!!
Please help me share/RT>< thank youu

10 29

2nd preview for my ORV Constellations photocards ~
Available on Batch 2 PO and OTS Comifuro 16~

124 479

[OPEN PO CF16 | 5 - 12 FEBRUARI 2022]

karena stok untuk OTS sangat amat limited, YOK IKUT PO 🔥🔥 sat set dapet kelar 😎😎😎😎

link pemesanan:

3 3

Stiker khusus OTS CF16 hanya di Tinayi Mushwoom Circle blok C40 a-b (dua hari)

1 5

[RT/❤️/Share Appreciated!!]
[OTS ONLY] CF16 Catalogue
Fandom: Holostars

Find your Kodomogumi mascots in their MWO outfits at Booth G17-G18. Stock is limited.

22 38

Ngelayout standee sambil rebahan di kasur (gegara terpaksa masih kudu bedrest) kayak orgil cry

Mending A apa B ni buat yang unit? (Vote di reply ya)

Btw kalo standee nanti yg ots unit aja, tapi kalo PO bisa pairingan si /EAK

7 41

Yang ini kalau mau booking boleh bangets, jadi pas OTS tinggal sat set sat set ges

1 2

[RTs & Likes💖]
I'm opening a 2nd Pre-order specifically for these items! These are limited for both online pre-order and OTS

🌟Pick-up Day 1 CF16
🌟Orders via DM
🌟Limited booking slots (will update when slots are full)

38 91

Silahkan liat-liat ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧

- Persediaan OTS terbatas! (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
- Barang PO tdk akan tersedia di OTS (pastinya) :>
- Beli saat PO akan lbh murah (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)

Ps: min pembelian Rp 100k akan dpt freebies (⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯⁠)

3 1

[PO] Genshin Acrylic Charm Venti Ver
Pre-Order for now open!


Acrylic Charm
OTS Price IDR 30K/pcs
PO Price IDR 25K/pcs

Holo Sticker
Price IDR 5K

1 0

[Share appreciated!]

Akhirnya mutusin buka PO Ganci akrilik CSM buat x'D Last order 10 Feb 2023, pukul 9 malem yaks!

Kuy langsung DM aja kalau mauuuu~! Nggak bakal jual on the spot, klo ots adanya versi sticker aja :"3

23 50

[Like & Share]
Hi guys! Gomimonogatari buka PO untuk pickup di CF16 ❤️

PO tgl 26 Jan - 4 Feb
Pickup OTS Sabtu 11 Mar

PO only:
cult of the lamb standee & charm

Link PO:

2 6

[Like & Share]
Hi guys! Gomimonogatari buka PO untuk pickup di CF16 ❤️

PO tgl 26 Jan - 4 Feb
Pickup OTS Sabtu 11 Mar

PO only:
genshin keychain 6cm

Link PO:

4 7

JADI CRYYY keychain shaker buat CF16 nanti hehehe. (PO estimasi awal feb ya)

niatnya cuma bikin yang pink tapi malah jadi 4 warna. kalian prefer mana? Kalo PO nanti kayaknya aku ok buat custom warna frame, tapi kalo OTS cetak satu warna aja yang divote terbanyak (vote di reply)

5 30

Karyaku! baru gambar lagi 😆 anyone wants to be m0ots?

0 22

Halo, mau share form buat ✨PO CF16✨

Buat yang nyari merch atau boleh merapat!!

Pesanan bisa diambil OTS day 1/2 CF atau dikirim ya~ (pengiriman setelah CF)
PO buka sampe tanggal 26 Januari 2023

Order form:

7 12

Commander Tricia and OTS-12

55 174

[RT appreciated 💜] Pre-order is now open for merch! Order form linked in thread ⬇️

Items can be picked up OTS in both day-1/2 or sent to your place after the event. The link will stay up until 29th January, chat me for any inquiries (*^ワ^*)

59 109

✨RTs and Likes Appreciated!!✨

Hi hi!! Ao mau buka preorder buat CF16✨
PO Period: 15 Jan - 23 Jan 2023
Order Form:

Fandom: Genshin Impact, Niji EN
(more TBA for ots)

321 909

Cover song in my art style vol.1

> Broken Boy Spirallin’ (OTS)
> Anomaly (anakin)
> Boku no mono (CircusP)
> Let’s Swap (IrunaBara)

8 18