Parasitoid crawler - here's an older piece I never uploaded, these are the more mobile, less tanky variants of the parasitoids.

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to American paleontologist, parasitologist, and anatomist Joseph Leidy, born in 1823! Among many other works, Leidy authored Fresh-water rhizopods of North America (1879), which had many beautiful and detailed plates, like the ones featured here

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no.240. Another weird wasp, Pelecinus polyturator. Widespread in South and North America (not Europe, sadly), parasitoid of scarab beetle larvae. One of only three species of Pelecinidae around today but there is more diversity in fossils. Photo by

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These were my favorite parasitic flies I had o do for my Parasitology class.
I now want to properly paint arthropods haha I did these in a rush.

Also good news, finally over with the summer classes! And I did good on both. Now 3 weeks of vacations before next semester starts.

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I'm gonna be explaining what the heck this picture is supposed to mean at

- 1145, Symposium 2 Theatre, in the Wildlife Parasitology session - come see me talk about lizard worms.

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[SELF PROMOTION KLAXON!] Do you like Cocaine, Blob Monsters and/or Hallucinatory Insects!? Because if you do, I will be next week to talk about Arthur Machen & 'Cocaine Bugs' (aka delusional parasitosis). Blob monsters, rest assured, will also feature prominently!

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Ya llegue uwu
Bueno aquí dejo a mi bb parásito. Denle mucho amor y no me lo maten rápido Porfa uwu

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eh aqui el diseño de amelia cuando pertenecio al grupo b de los parasitos, protegia principalmente a la guarderia y lo hacia muy enserio, pese a que ya no quiso seguir ahi, se siente honrada de haber formado parte de ello

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Amelia trabaja en la guarderia, le encanta convivir con los niños pequeños, mucho mas que convivir con los que ya son adolescentes o pubertos

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con ustedes -tambores- AMELIAAAA cofcoftetascofcof en palabras muy cortas les contare que hace:

sale del bosque y se acerca a los humanos que andan también en el limite, los seduce y luego los mata, lleva carne a su casa y es muy linda con los niños parásitos

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Happy everyone! We've matched up parasitologists with 26 classrooms to share our passion for parasitology. This morning kicked off with a parasitologist from New Zealand chatting about her research with a classroom in Malaysia. So what is your favorite parasite?

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no.36. Diptera: Tachinidae. Often called bristle flies, for obvious reasons. This Gymnochaeta viridis is evidence that not all of the most beautiful parasitoids are wasps. Just most of them.

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Finishing up the last details on the first of a set of zines illustrating ecological stories 💩🐚🐦 Looking forward to getting these printed up!

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NISHIMORI, T., K. MIURA, K. MAETO, J. MIWA, and K. YAMAGISHI: Morphological and Genetic Analyses Suggest Some Strains under Tiphodytes gerriphagus Hymenoptera: Platygastridae: Scelioninae), an Egg Parasitoid of Water Striders


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Cant study parasites without a little bit of bird poo 😂 fun fact, when i searched "bird poo butt" on google, among the "People also ask..." section was the question "Do birds poo out their mouths??" .....smdh..... 🤦‍♀️

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Dans le 3ème chapitre vous présentais déjà le Fourmi Ji-Tsu: méthode de défense des fourmis contre des mouches parasitoïdes!
Illustration Alain Prunier. Figure: Leaf-Cutter Ant Parasitoids: Current Knowledge,

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nadie me dijo que tenía un parasito que me daba hambre

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I'm late (>.<) but I'm a 4th year Microbiology Student with a concentrate in Parasitology and Microbial Research. I love art!

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