Thanks for hosting 💜
Call me Pengin! I like dark science-fantasy stuff and I REALLY enjoy making faces (and also drawing them).

1 7

Thanks for hosting! 💜
Call me Pengin! I love science fantasy, dramatic lighting, and I may have bit of a weakness for prettyboy OCs as well, lol

1 3

help me to find a lot moots before ramadhan pls. katakan hmu jika km mw menjadi pengikutku☝️☝️ help rt/like 🤗🤗🤗

40 111

Congrats on 150 and thanks for hosting as well!
I'm DirePengin, illustrator and lovecraftian spacefowl.
These are a few of my favorites!

0 1

Thanks for hosting and sharing your work!
Call me Pengin! I like to make faces and sometimes I draw them too. 🙃

0 1

"what thje fuck is even happengin right now"

0 1

Thanks for hosting! 💜 Congrats on 3333!
I'm DirePengin: illustrator, TTRPG nerd, lovecraftian spacefowl

0 0

I absolutely do TTRPG commissions! In fact. I have an ongoing series based on my group's campaign I recently formatted into custom MtG cards as gifts!

I'm always looking for opportunities to be involved with more TTRPG projects!

0 0

Hp Aku udah ngelag parah, smpe jarang gambar. tiap mau gambar ni ibis paintnya harus aku reset dulu 😭😭
Pengin open komis buat bantu bantu ortu, tapi ngga yakin juga soalnya hp juga udah ngga mendukung 🙂
Ngelag pun ttep sya lawan smpe panas 😀👍🏼

0 3

Berikut katalog untuk desain-desain lama. Berhubung kemarin aku agak hectic kehidupan dan blm berkesempatan buat open PO pengiriman via ekspedisi, sekarang sudah bisa yaa🥺

3 7


Halo semuanya!
Aku open pre-order (pick-up di venue/pengiriman ke rumah) untuk Hari H aku hadir both days bersama circle D'Haloez (nomor circle TBA). Katalog paper products menyusul 👀

📢Close PO: 10 Feb 2023

31 60

gepengie 🙌
Spill karakter yang punya nama yang sama kayak kalian dong. Ini dari aku

Judul: v!lla!n w!th @ ¢rush di ijo

5 143

Thanks for hosting!
I'm DirePengin, I like to make faces and sometimes I even draw them!

0 4

[Rt and ❤ would be appreciated]

Halo! Aku Open PO part 1 untuk merch CF16 (acrylic based)

Pre-Orders details❗️
🗓 17 - 24 January 2023
📦 Pick-up day1 & pengiriman

57 117

Halo, mau share form buat ✨PO CF16✨

Buat yang nyari merch atau boleh merapat!!

Pesanan bisa diambil OTS day 1/2 CF atau dikirim ya~ (pengiriman setelah CF)
PO buka sampe tanggal 26 Januari 2023

Order form:

7 12

Pengisi waktu luang 😵‍💫🍎

1 1

Happy everyone!
I'm DirePengin, dark science-fantasy illustrator, TCG/TTRPG fanatic, and lovecraftian spacefowl. I especially love a flair for the dramatic and I'm a sucker for moody lighting!

Gallery: direpengin . io
Contact: direpengin @ gmail . com

4 7

Chinstrap Penguin

Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15 – 20 years
Japanese Name: ヒゲペンギン
Distribution: Unknown
Scientific Name: Pygoscelis antarcticus
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Diet: Piscivore
Romanised Name: Higepengin

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