♡ Temporary Chaperone

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I’m a storyteller/artist, colorist. Co-creator of the popular Disney Adventures feature, The Jet Pack Pets. Previous projects have included Power Rangers, Kid Gravity, Phineas and Ferb etc.

Currently co-creating the The Chaperones Of Magic.


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♡ Temporary Chaperone

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♡ Temporary Chaperone

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Happy birthday to Wakaba Kusakabe, the youthful big sister!

Fun fact: Wakaba acts as the chaperone for Little Marching Band Girls! She often takes them on field trips, most notably the zoo, aquarium, and amusement parks!

You're the mature role model of our dreams, Wakaba!💐

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♡ Temporary Chaperone

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iniziamo bene

grazie alla Ventenne la_fleur_du_mal.jpg

🛸 da Zio Paperone e il turista spaziale

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♡ Temporary Chaperone

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♡ Temporary Chaperone

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♡ Temporary Chaperone

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Mizuki Miya! One of the older chaperones put into the game. Despite not wanting her talent, she's a source of lighthearted energy for the kids. If only she would stop the horny jokes... Even if it's just teasing, like she says.

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Queste storie di Cimino erano fantastiche!
Sceneggiatura: RODOLFO CIMINO

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child at boyband concert with an unamused chaperone

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♡ Temporary Chaperone

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♡ Temporary Chaperone

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♡ Temporary Chaperone

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♡ Temporary Chaperone

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♡ Temporary Chaperone

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