I see is trending 👀

photogram vs. traditional drawing

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Vertical and horizontal logs, collapsed like a Mikado game, were unearthed during excavations in the peat bog. Photogrammetry, GIS, & dendrochronology helped assigning these wooden constructions to the late 3rd mill. BC.


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Ghibli a commencé à mettre à disposition des photogrammes de ses derniers films "N'hésitez pas à les utiliser librement dans la limite du bon sens" (traduction approximative)

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Scan me, Senpai...
“Your first photogrammetry steps with help of Agisoft Metashape and Sakura-chan” 😍

0 6

Starting to design my spookality avatar, Consider this character the opposite of Sacro. this is super early on, things will change. also i don't mark down what parts will be photogrammetry

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i'm going to learn a new style for spookality, Photogrammetry mixed with my normal style

0 10

ぼくの自由工作。子どもと一緒につみ木などでコースを作る→iPhone+Trnioで3Dスキャン→blenderで微調整→Unity+PlayMakerで作った玉転がしゲームに組み込んで、ノーコードでゲーム化する遊び。PC限定ですが、遊んでみてください♪ 👉 Photogrammetry Ball2 https://t.co/u7xD91tZAe

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i've been re-learning photogrammetry to 3d scan sailing canoes from oceania. i'd like to work with more people to build a more inclusive and accurate collection. if you have a model canoe, or photogrammetry experience, please get in touch 🙏 https://t.co/KyKOmR3zBj

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โรงเรียนป่าไม้ จังหวัดแพร่

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มณฑปจตุรมุขประดิษฐานพระพุทธรูปสี่อิริยาบท วัดเชตุพน จังหวัดสุโขทัย

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