Like ballerinas dancing in the breeze
the fuchsias tell us Summer has arrived,
they spin and pirouette with dainty ease,
and celebrate another year survived

Bean , 紅柚

1 6

❝Uhh, yeah, I'll.. do that.❞

Quickly, she pirouettes into the bathroom, and decides to floss for a second time this week.

❝...Alright, start talking!❞

0 3

Heya! It's Me again back with a meloetta pirouette fusion, but this time it's the alluring chandelure with a background of an old mansion

meet Melolure!
a meloetta pirouette form and chandelure fusion

2 4

❝S-snap out of it!❞

With practiced footwork, she pirouettes away from Nega's untrained swings of her scimitar almost effortlessly.

❝Cool it! Don't make me have to fight back!❞

0 0

❝Woah, woahhhH-!❞

She yields to the pirouette, and comes to a brief free-fall into Risky Boot's arms. Smooth™.

❝Oh, uh. Yeah! Sheesh, I forgot that one! Thanks for reminding me.❞

1 5

Dash Attack. does her pirouette from She spins her ponytail and hits foes up to 4 times, in contrast to Diddy's cartwheel hitting thrice and DK's roll hitting once. The 4th hit knocks enemies away.

9 54


Shantae does a little pirouette on her heels to take in the sight of Pigeons answering the call of their resident tamer.

She settles as soon as they begin to perch about the areas Sky scattered their treat.

❝Right on cue! You really have a way with them.❞

0 1

When I see Shishida in the background of a panel, my heart does a pirouette.

28 141

Voir le dessin de et commencer à chanter dans la cuisine, et poursuivre avec et jusqu’à applaudir ! Merci et bon voyage ...

4 20

Here's a cute fashion outfit of Pirouette! he's my rainbow baby and he's rockin' this fit so well TaT RT's appreciated!

33 67

Presenting my second candy charm design featuring Bingqiu🌸💞🌸Small LBH is so precious and cute with his bow on the Vietnamese SVSS cover.🥰 Wagashi featured is matcha swiss roll with pirouette. 💞💞🌸🌸#人渣反派自救系统

63 210


Next, if the quoted tweet reaches 100,000 RTs by 1/3 23:59 PM, all Masters will receive 20,200,000 QP and the 4★ CE Pirouette of the Top which as the following effect:
+8% Art Power

27 55

Best brawler in the game right now? In my opinion, it is Carl with Protective Pirouette. A lot of people are probably going to say Darryl, but Carl has no weakness and when played right, just dominates with his second Star Power!

9 220

"lonely pirouette" from "Twilight Doll" by 閣下 (絶対征服わんわん)

0 0

i am but a small creature....adopted a lil blob from and its name is pirouette now

0 2

When she’s happy, she does clumsy pirouettes 🦋

4 14

D'une pirouette, Myrle soude les rails à des hauteurs vertigineuses : on la surnomme l'araignée d'acier.
Ayant grandi dans une fête foraine, elle aime la compagnie des voyageurs, à qui elle raconte à tout va histoires et anecdotes.
On ignore d'où elle tient ces informations.

6 22

14ème édition du Festival Voix d’Étoiles à Port Leucate

4 films longs métrages présentés en AVP hors compétition📽️Spycies 📽️Le voyage dans la Lune📽️Pirouette et le sapin de Noël 📽️Zébulon le dragon

4 6

Be fierce--
and twirl your tongue
down my belly,
and lick the wet tears
between my supple thighs
until a cry from my soul
is an exhale of breath
let into the night heat
like a symphony
of glittering stars
that swell
with the moon.

5 9