Intruder lies to me and you
He doesn't have anything to lose
Intruder can speak and spell fast
No one knows or understands

1 1

It just goes to show you that nobody knows
And you never really can tell
Welcome to the jungle

0 1

Nowadays no one wants to take responsibility for anything
Deny Deny Deny

1 1

I did my best, but I think I managed to capture on canvas the very definition of "cuteness" that you were looking for

postscript: I love your drawings, I'm a fan <3

0 6

Intruder what can you do
Intruder there's nothing you really can do
Sooner or Later
Someday Someway
Don't know how
Intruder will surprise you too

0 0

Intruder Just can't wait
Intruder has no problems at all
Intruder makes it look easy
Intruder Never forgets
Intruder waits for us all


1 0

Early morning
Intruder in the daytime
Late at night
Intruder is up every night
Intruder goes there early
Intruder creeps into the night

0 0

Intruder stands over there
Intruder watches people go by
Intruder up to no good
Intruder walking down the street
Intruder waiting right outside

0 1

Intruder it makes no sense
Intruder you can't control
Intruder what happens next
Intruder no one knows what to do about you

0 0

Intruder target
Intruder sitting duck
Intruder victim
Men and women
Get nothing back
Once it's stolen
It never comes back
Intruder what can you do
Intruder is waiting for you

0 0

Slowdown faster
Someone's coming
Intruder careful
Intruder quiet
Something don't seem to be right
Sit down now and stay out of sight
Intruder is somewhere inside

Upside Down

0 1

Is Bitcoin the best crypto currency❓


0 0

You're gonna see some people you don't know

You're gonna meet some people you really like

1 2

Powerful Postscript
▪︎2 0 2 2▪︎

0 0

Have we become objects❔
Are human beings objects❔
It's an important question to ask

0 0


"There is no future
There is only the evil that men do
The destruction of this world
Hope is in the past"

0 1