It's Valentine's Day...and I just have Project Jhin for you...

2 versions. The normal one and my fantasy : ). You can kiss both and they will still murder you <3

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Thanks for the great casual sona design .

Would the jacket also fit project jhin? <3

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A romantic walk <3

Btw: You have the permission to use the headshots as icons :)

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Happy Boxing Day! Hope everyone has had a great holiday season so far!!! Check out these boxers by

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おやすみぃ! 今日はもう呟くことないしwwwwww
みんなで全力気合弾~ッ!! ( ˘ω˘)スヤァ…💤

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These are all of my mods, that are included in for the classic for the

Find more about this and other projects at

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Hope everyone had a great weekend ! Art by taken from the Rival Schools 20th Anniversary Art Tribute you can check out the whole thing at

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Nu ik de tekeningen heb gegeven kan ik eindelijk ze hier posten :) ik wou ze hier pas posten na het geven zodat het n verassing bleef xD Naja hier zijn ze dan mijn projectje van de zomervakantie😂
(heb ze aan elkaar geplakt zodat ik ze in een keer kon posten want ja 5 tekeningen)

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My two pieces I've made for the anniversary tribute. C'MON CAPCOM, WE LOVE THESE STUDENTS, BRING THEM BACK ASAP :')

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My art tribute for project:

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⭐️⭐️Oh My Lord(s)! ⭐️⭐️
The Rival Schools Artbook Tribute is finally out! Here's full version of my submission~
Make sure you check the other amazing pieces here!:

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"School Memories"

My Tribute for

Enjoy it everyone, who loves RivalSchools as much as I do~ 😊

Check out the book too at:

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The day has come, tribute digital art book for Rival schools si out you can find 3 ilustrations by me and a lot of talented artists here:

Thanks to for the showcase

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