Chi non sa comprendere uno sguardo, non potrà capire lunghe spiegazioni.

🖊️Proverbio arabo

89 134

coi proverbi: Con i finti tonti, controllate sempre i conti.
Proverbio italiano

4 3

Nella vita sii umile
perché siamo fatti di terra
e sii nobile
perché siamo fatti di stelle.

-Proverbio serbo

0 2

La vita è un ciclo continuo, in movimento costante: se i bei tempi passano, passeranno anche quelli difficili.

-Proverbio indiano

0 1

Happy and everything must go!
Get your hands on “Billy the” “Creole” “Alex” and dropping like the proverbial, “Rock”

5 27

"Si todos tírasemos en la misma dirección, el mundo volcaría."

🖋 Proverbio judío

98 188

Couple'a unfinished sketches (to varying degrees), seriously love these guys. I'm thinking of giving it another go. Might even corner the proverbial market on broker fanart, I haven't managed to find any yet!

1 5

Una palabra precisa disipa cualquier tristeza. (Proverbios 12:25)

0 2

I just want all this stressful IRL bullshit to be done with so that minor unrelated mistakes don't send me into a depressive downward spiral resulting from having them stacked on top of the underlying anxieties and breaking the proverbial camel's back, is that too much to ask?

0 4

Una muestra más de la proverbial capacidad de anticipación de es que ya interpretara en abril en una viñeta de lo que ahora hace el 'Tío Sam' en la de

➕#humor de /

0 1

Un corazón que ama siempre es joven.

Proverbio griego

41 155

Quien quiera ser sabio debe empezar por obedecer a Dios. (Proverbios 1:7)

1 4

"'s art imbues Aquaman with low-key swagger, a dashing gleam in his eyes and reassuring confidence that makes him as affable and relatable as he's ever been. Not an easy task with a character that's been too often portrayed as the proverbial wet blanket." 🔱

12 39

Big SO to , a rough & sexy maverick who wields the proverbial pen like a fiery sword, proving time and again who is master of the page.

Many thanks, love, for being in this girl's twisted corner. It's a comfort to have you in the ring with me.

5 10

La coscienza colpevole è un nemico vivente.


127 192

Looks like a bunch of artists have already jumped on, but I'd like to throw my own hat into the proverbial ring as well.

0 2

The proverbial "Ahh s***! Here we go again!".

0 0

Force multipliers and aircraft like the A50 are worth their weight in gold!
Here she’s parting the proverbial ‘fog of war’ over the Tibetan plateau! Resplendent with an accurate topographical map ( Frm aviation charts) and red ADIZ (air defence identification zone)

18 137