420 Bear Skulls countdown:
0.5 days until mint opens


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The best 🎨 without 🙅‍♂️ a doubt is 🍄🍄

🚨 ✨️ HAVE A L👀K ✨️ 🚨

🐌 👉These 🔥 beauties 🤩 speak for themselves 💯 🎉 🥳

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Could use a good sweep 🧹over at

👉 And you won't be disappointed you did 🙅‍♂️


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Not only is 🍄🍄 the best Saturday 🪩

🗓 They're the best 7 days a week ✨️

👉 Not a day goes by I'm not in awe of them 🤩

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For Saturday and every day that comes after there can only be

Long after all other have faded from existence 💀

There will be one who emerges victorious 🏆

Behold your king 👑

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Looking for ✨️ amazing

Look no further than

🌈 Colorful creations 🐌 by 👨‍🎨 that belong in a museum 🖼

🚨 And there's a Gen 2 🧪collection coming 💥

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The best 🎨 without 🙅‍♂️ a doubt is 🍄🍄

🚨 ✨️ HAVE A L👀K ✨️ 🚨

🐌 👉These 🔥 beauties 🤩 speak for themselves 💯 🎉 🥳

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A series I'm working at the moment (and will work for a long time) combining and .

In the end they will all be part of a temple! 🤗

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Some Animals can generate electricity from their bodies

Some can hear frequencies beyond our range

Some can see shades of colors we can only imagine under the use of psychedelics..

It’s clear there is existence beyond our current perception

A fourth dimension

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Of the highest quality & caliber 🏆

Magnificent 🪄

Ultimate ✨️

Supreme 👑

These words can only begin to describe 🍄🍄

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Grab a 🍄🍄

...or maybe several 🤔

👉 You won't be disappointed with the or our community 👥

We welcome you to join our 🤗

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