Aquí por fin, Jing Beiyuan c:

38 71

Ex-Prince of Nanning; Jing Beiyuan, Great Shaman of Nanjiang; Wuxi, Shamanet; Luta & The Sable. 💚💜

64 117

"Don't mess around" ~~~ (2/5)

Wuxi sorry for your husband pfft, I don't know how to draw sable ;A;

19 39

"I ain't never seen two pretty best friends" well then how do you explain Jing Beiyuan and Zhou Zishu?

165 473

cw blood

im giving up on this drawin here ;; the hand is hella awk but its one of the first of my favorite scenes from > ( / / )
~I thought of you, you came, and that was it.~

16 27

Wuxi from qiye/tyk kofi commission!

34 77

qiye brainrot go brrrr

15 38

no thoughts head Jing Beiyuan / /

92 190

над поляною хмарь
там змеиный ждет царь
за него ты просватана

26 124

Lo sé, es difícil levantarse.

105 224

I am thinking about yiyuan again

99 246

A Bai Wuchang story


59 138